Wednesday 29 November 2017

windows - My usb 3g data card sometimes switches to 2g but never switches back without plugging it in and out again

Is there a way to automate the redial process once that happens?



[PowerShell] disable+enable all connections

The most elegant method to reset all connections is maybe PowerShell. Save this as .PS1 script and execute it with admin rights.

Get-WMIObject Win32_NetworkAdapter -Filter "NetConnectionID LIKE '%'" | %{
netsh interface set interface "$($_.NetConnectionID)" DISABLED
Start-Sleep 3
netsh interface set interface "$($_.NetConnectionID)" ENABLED


[CMD] disable+enable connection

Save this in a batch and execute it as admin where stands for the interface you want to disable and re-enable.

netsh interface set interface  disabled  
ping -n 5 > NUL
netsh interface set interface enabled

  • To get the correct interface name, type netsh interface show interface

  • Wrap the interface name with quotation marks when it contain blanks (otherwise not)

  • the ping command just adds a small break of 5 sec to see the effect in Network and Sharing center

[CMD] reconnect mobile connection

(thx @laggingreflex)

netsh mbn connect interface= connmode=name name=

enter image description here

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