Sunday 26 November 2017

How to use keyboard to navigate google search results (now that instant search is dead)

As of today, Google Instant Search is dead. This is what it used to look like:

I never cared much for the instant display of results while I typed. However, I did use, hundreds of times a day, the keyboard shortcuts it allowed.

For those that never used it - with instant search turned on, you could:

  • Press enter after a search, and use the up/down keys to move a 'pointer' down through the results

  • Then press 'enter' to open a search result being pointed at

  • At any point in time, typing letters/numbers on the keyboard would refocus on the search bar

  • Pressing enter with a result highlighted could be combined with the ctrl modifier to open a result in a new tab.

I find the mouse quite difficult to use and try to avoid it when possible. Is there a tool or script I could use to replicate the keyboard behaviour that instant search used to give me?

Previous questions have asked (and been answered) in the era of instant search (e.g. this, this and my previous question here), while I'm looking for a non-google replacement with the same functionality.

I am using Chrome on Ubuntu 15.01.

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