Thursday 23 November 2017

windows 8 - How do I exit a Modern UI app?

So I downloaded and installed Windows 8. I'm very impressed, except for one thing. I don't have touch, and I have this running in a virtual machine. How do I exit one of these full screen Modern UI apps using just a mouse and a keyboard? Right now my only method to exit one of these guys is to send Ctrl+Alt+Del to the machine. I'm sure that's not the right way... anyone figured this out?


  • Use the keyboard. Alt + F4 still works like a charm

  • Use the top edge:

    1. Move your mouse or finger to the top of the screen {except for the top left extreme and top right extreme}

    2. Click/tap and drag to bottom of screen. The app will close when you get to the bottom.

  • Use the left edge: Bring the cursor in the very top (or bottom) left corner of the screen then move the mouse against the border up (or down). Now you can:

    • Middle click any app to close it.

    • Right click any app to show the contextual menu, with Close being an option.

    • Drag any app left onto the current app, then without releasing bring it to the bottom to close it

Please note that in Windows 8, in some cases apps are not supposed to be closed. This is part of the general Modern UI experience; however, because of popular demand, Microsoft did add this feature in the consumer preview.

See Microsoft's official video on mouse usage in Windows 8 here. Also a good video to watch is the touch video.

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