Wednesday 29 November 2017

autocomplete - How to remove one or all auto-complete text entries in Chrome?

Possible Duplicate:
Remove auto-complete field entries in Google Chrome

Ok... so this is embarrassing.

I typed in "boobs" on EncyclopediaDramatica's search because, well, it's a really funny page.

But now I've got a problem... EVERY TIME I click a search feild in Chrome now, it shows "boobs" as the first suggestion in the drop down!

This is not really socially acceptable as this laptop goes with me everywhere and Chrome is my primary browser.

Is there a way I can isolate and remove just that one entry?


Linux and Windows

Just highlight it in the dropdown list (using the arrow keys, or your mouse cursor) and press delete on your keyboard.

Note that you may have to press shift+delete in some cases, like if the autocomplete is in the address bar (URL) field.


  1. Start typing so that the unwanted autocomplete URL comes up.

  2. Hit fn+shift+backspace if you have a compact keyboard or shift+delete ⌦ if you have a keyboard with separate delete ⌦ key (and no fn). If you have a non-Apple keyboard, shift+delete should do the trick.

If it still doesn't work:

  1. Close the page and reload it; it should now be removed from autocomplete;

  2. Check if the unwanted URL is in your bookmarks; once removed from bookmarks, it will disappear from autocomplete.

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