Thursday 30 November 2017

windows 7 - Wireless disconnects every 30 minutes

I have had a look through all the related questions and I get the feeling my problem is unique.

My wireless connection disconnects every 30 minutes, for maybe 1 to 3 seconds. If I am browsing the web while it happens, I get the page cannot be displayed error message.

I have checked the event logs as I was curious to know if there was anything in there.

There is.

Event 8033: BROWSER - The browser has forced an election on network
\Device\NetBT_Tcpip_{B919CC30-25A9-45DD-A09F-549A6262FC9E} because
a master browser was stopped.

Reported exactly every 30 minutes which coincides with my wireless problem.

I am running Windows 7 Ultimate, 32-bit. My wireless is Realtek RTL8187 integrated into a ASUS P5K-E/Wifi motherboard. It is on a workgroup and has never been on a domain.

This problem does not affect any other computers.

Wireless reception is great, and I have ensured that the wireless unit is transmitting on a frequency not used by any nearby wireless basestations.

How can I fix this pesky problem?


I think I know what this might be, as I have been egtting the exact same thing on my new Netbook and it has been driving me crazy. Every 30 minutes, regular as clockwork.

Are you using WPA-PSK ? I am. On my Zyxel router there is a setting "ReAuthentication Timer (In Seconds) " and this defaults to 1800 ( 30 minutes ). Sure enough, if I change this to 60 seconds, the problem now occurs every minute. Set it to 120 and it occurs every 2 minutes.

Check your router to see if you have this setting.


Where are configured the folders icons in Thunderbird?

Something happened to my thunderbird profile: now every folder in the folder three pane on the left has the same standard yellow folder icon.

I mean that the special icons for INBOX, Trash etc. are missing.

I've tried to temporarily rename the profile folder, then restarting Thunderbird, now all the special icons are back again.

So the problem appear to be in the profile folder.

I don't want to delete my profile folder cause it contain all my emails.... :-(

any idea?


I just ran into the same problem after Thunderbird update to version 22 beta.

In my case, an extension called "Remove Duplicate Messages (Alternate)" was guilty.

Try disabling all the extensions, and then turn them on one by one to find the culprit.

Certain Variables won't expand in Windows System Environment Variables PATH

For some reason there are certain Environment Variables that won't expand when used in the "PATH" variable in the System Variables.

For example, %SystemRoot% works just fine while %WinDir% doesn't. %ProgramFiles% and %ProgramFiles(x86)% doesn't work either.

Obviously I know that I could just use the full path rather than a variable but that's not the point.

Any ideas?

Here is a screenshot/example:

enter image description here

macos - Installing MacPorts on Snow Leopard

I installed MacPorts from the DMG package at

After installing it I tried to use it and get this:

dlopen(/opt/local/share/macports/Tcl/macports1.0/MacPorts.dylib, 10): no suitable image found.  Did find:
/opt/local/share/macports/Tcl/macports1.0/MacPorts.dylib: no matching architecture in universal wrapper
while executing
"load /opt/local/share/macports/Tcl/macports1.0/MacPorts.dylib"
("package ifneeded macports 1.0" script)
invoked from within
"package require macports"
(file "/opt/local/bin/port" line 39)

I tried removing /opt/local/share/macports and /opt/local/bin/port and reinstalling, but it did not help.


I tried a complete removal by doing

%% sudo rm -rf \
/opt/local \
/Applications/DarwinPorts \
/Applications/MacPorts \
/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.* \
/Library/Receipts/DarwinPorts*.pkg \
/Library/Receipts/MacPorts*.pkg \
/Library/StartupItems/DarwinPortsStartup \
/Library/Tcl/darwinports1.0 \
/Library/Tcl/macports1.0 \

And then installing MacPorts-1.9.2-10.6-SnowLeopard.dmg but still I get same error.


Install it from source.

tar xjvf MacPorts-1.9.2.tar.bz2
cd MacPorts-1.9.2
./configure && make && sudo make install
sudo port -v selfupdate

smart - Is my hard drive failing?

I'm beginning to worry about my ~3yr old WD Green drive. In the last few days i've noticed that my media player is acting weird, it won't move to the next track after a song has finished and also won't play new songs when I double click.

So, I downloaded the "smartmontools" package and used "sudo smartctl -a /dev/sdb2" to check out the drive. Here is a snapshot of the output:

    SMART Attributes Data Structure revision number: 16
Vendor Specific SMART Attributes with Thresholds:
1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate 0x002f 200 200 051 Pre-fail Always - 0
3 Spin_Up_Time 0x0027 164 163 021 Pre-fail Always - 6758
4 Start_Stop_Count 0x0032 099 099 000 Old_age Always - 1353
5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct 0x0033 200 200 140 Pre-fail Always - 0
7 Seek_Error_Rate 0x002e 100 253 000 Old_age Always - 0
9 Power_On_Hours 0x0032 092 092 000 Old_age Always - 5846
10 Spin_Retry_Count 0x0032 100 100 000 Old_age Always - 0
11 Calibration_Retry_Count 0x0032 100 100 000 Old_age Always - 0
12 Power_Cycle_Count 0x0032 099 099 000 Old_age Always - 1201
192 Power-Off_Retract_Count 0x0032 200 200 000 Old_age Always - 61
193 Load_Cycle_Count 0x0032 200 200 000 Old_age Always - 1353
194 Temperature_Celsius 0x0022 124 112 000 Old_age Always - 26
196 Reallocated_Event_Count 0x0032 200 200 000 Old_age Always - 0
197 Current_Pending_Sector 0x0032 200 200 000 Old_age Always - 0
198 Offline_Uncorrectable 0x0030 200 200 000 Old_age Offline - 0
199 UDMA_CRC_Error_Count 0x0032 200 198 000 Old_age Always - 3311
200 Multi_Zone_Error_Rate 0x0008 200 200 000 Old_age Offline - 0

I'm worried most about the "Pre-fail" rows.. does this mean that the drive could fail at any time or what?

Are there downsides to Windows 8 Hybrid Shutdown?

Are there any downside to Windows 8 not doing a "full" shutdown? Would it be good practice to occasionally do a full shutdown to do a full system initialization at boot?

If I'm already booting from SSD is there still a point to using Fast Startup?


A Full Boot differs from a Fast Boot in terms of services and driver loading. Both of them are saved into a hiberfile when shutdown and just resumed when Fast Booted. I can olny see the needing of a Full Boot if you noticed radical changes in drivers(a driver update for example) or the installation of a lot of new Windows Services.

Fortunatelly even when installing new services or new drivers Windows 8 will know about that and will automatically load the new one if it "misses" the hit of a hyberfile open try, so, in a few words, it's kind of subjective, but I don't think it is necessarily to make Full Reboots of your system unless you think you need for some specific reason such as driver update or even due to performance issues.

Is there really no hope to upgrade the graphic card of a laptop?

I have a 3+ years old Pavillon dv6 1080el. It's aging fairly well, except for the battery, the palm rests and the nVidia 9200M GS graphic card, which is barely adequate for running any game at the lowest settings or sometimes even below that. I'm really tired of having poor fps at the lowest settings (or below!) with games from five goddamn years ago.

The CPU is beefy. The disk is mostly holding up. The battery could simply be replaced. The palm rest... eh, it's not pretty to look at but that's a fairly minor problem. The graphic card though is really starting to weight down on the system as a whole and pushing me towards getting a replacement machine early. Now would be a terrible time to do so, merely months before Windows 8 is released and every computer and their dog starts coming out with touchscreens. I need to squeeze roughly another year out of this thing.

Is there really no hope in upgrading the GPU of a now out-of-warranty laptop? What do I need to watch out for? Should I just hand it off to some computer shop to figure it out by themselves, or can I get a bit more active in the process?

notepad++ - Stop NppExec from trapping console output until program finishes

I'm using Notepad++'s NppExec plugin to execute Python scripts from within Notepad++. I notice that Python console output produced with the print() statement doesn't appear on the Notepad++ console until the entire script is finished executing. Is there a way to make print statements appear in real-time?

I'm using Notepad++ v.5.9.8 and NppExec v0.4.1.

Wednesday 29 November 2017

linux - extract single file from huge tgz file

I have a huge tar file (about 500G) and I wan't to extract just a single file from it.
However, when I run tar -xvf file.tgz path/to/file it seems like it is still loading the whole contents into memory, and takes over an hour to extract. I've also tried to use --exclude=ignore.txt where ignore.txt is list of patterns in an attempt to stop it from traversing futile paths, but that doesn't seem to work.

Perhaps I don't understand tar... Is there a way to quickly extract the file?


Unfortunately, in order to unpack single member of .tar.gz archive you have to process whole archive, and not much you can do to fix it.

This is where .zip (and some other formats like .rar) archives work much better, because zip format has central directory of all files contained in it with direct offsets pointing to the middle of the zip file, so archive members can be quickly extracted without processing whole thing.

You might ask why processing .tar.gz is so slow?

.tar.gz (often shortened as .tgz) is simply .tar archive compressed with gzip compressor. gzip is streaming compressor that can only work with one file. If you want to get any part of gzip stream, you have to uncompress it as a whole, and this is what really kills it for .tar.gz (and for .tar.bz2, .tar.xz and other similar formats based on .tar).

.tar format is actually very, very simple. It is simply stream of 512-byte file or directory headers (name, size, etc), each followed by file or directory contents (padded to 512 block size with 0 bytes if necessary). When you observe totally null 512 block for a header, this means end of .tar archive.

Some people think that even .tar archive members cannot be accessed quickly, but this is not quite true. If .tar archive contains few big files, you actually can quickly seek into next header, and thus you can find necessary archive member in few seeks (but still could require as many seeks as there are archive members). If your .tar archive contains of lots of tiny files, this means quick member retrieval becomes effectively impossible even for uncompressed .tar.

email - Disable Mail App in Windows 8.1

I'm using Windows 8.1 and Outlook 2013. Is there a way to disable the Mail app that came with Windows 8.1? I tried to delete the email accounts but no long. Any help would be great. Thanks.


windows 7 - Change user account picture

My new Windows 7 (Enterprise) laptop will not allow me to change my User Account picture. How can I enable this?

windows - How can I insert a new line in a cmd.exe command?

I'm trying to execute a command on cmd.exe, with a line break or new line as part of the command, like below:

command -option:text  

But every new line executes the command, instead of continuing the command on the next line.

So how can I input a new line character, or create a multi-line command in cmd.exe?

Snow Leopard desktop - I want two files from two different applications open at the same time. Won't let me

I want two files open at once on the desktop. However when I click on one, it opens and the other minimizes.

What can I do?

microsoft outlook - How do I create a rule that moves an email to another file after it is marked complete?

I would like to create a rule that moves an email to another file after it is marked complete. I have tried all of the standard rule sets that I thought might work. I have searched online and found some software offerings but they did not seem to address this issue either.

windows - I have a weird powercfg /a response and no Hibernate anywhere-Surface Pro 3

Here is my Powercfg /a response:

C:\Windows\System32>powercfg /a
The following sleep states are available on this system:
Standby (S0 Low Power Idle) Network Connected
Fast Startup

The following sleep states are not available on this system:

Standby (S1)
The system firmware does not support this standby state.
This standby state is disabled when S0 low power idle is supported.

Standby (S2)
The system firmware does not support this standby state.
This standby state is disabled when S0 low power idle is supported.

Standby (S3)
The system firmware does not support this standby state.
This standby state is disabled when S0 low power idle is supported.

The hiberfile type does not support hibernation.

Hybrid Sleep
Standby (S3) is not available.
Hibernation is not available.
The hypervisor does not support this standby state.

I have tried all manners that I know of to enable Hibernate: using GPedit, Regedit, Powercfg /h on, and none of these options will turn on Hibernate. Apparently after 4 hours of Sleep (Modern Standby) my computer should go into Hibernation automatically but it doesn't, after 19 hours in sleep I lost 93% battery and could not turn on the computer because the battery is dead.

Does the 2 terabyte limit for MBR apply to a partition or the entire disk?

This is really unclear from what I read. I have a 3TB secondary hard drive, but I want to install Windows 7 on that (for dual boot). I have an old BIOS so UEFI is not an option. I understand MBR only allows 2TB for boot partitions. So can I create a 2TB partition to install windows on and another 1TB for the rest of the data? All this using MBR?

I haven't tried it yet, because the disk is full of data, Thanks


Entire disk.

You cant get the full capacity of a larger disk using MBR, the partitioning and does not allow for it.

More information

autocomplete - How to remove one or all auto-complete text entries in Chrome?

Possible Duplicate:
Remove auto-complete field entries in Google Chrome

Ok... so this is embarrassing.

I typed in "boobs" on EncyclopediaDramatica's search because, well, it's a really funny page.

But now I've got a problem... EVERY TIME I click a search feild in Chrome now, it shows "boobs" as the first suggestion in the drop down!

This is not really socially acceptable as this laptop goes with me everywhere and Chrome is my primary browser.

Is there a way I can isolate and remove just that one entry?


Linux and Windows

Just highlight it in the dropdown list (using the arrow keys, or your mouse cursor) and press delete on your keyboard.

Note that you may have to press shift+delete in some cases, like if the autocomplete is in the address bar (URL) field.


  1. Start typing so that the unwanted autocomplete URL comes up.

  2. Hit fn+shift+backspace if you have a compact keyboard or shift+delete ⌦ if you have a keyboard with separate delete ⌦ key (and no fn). If you have a non-Apple keyboard, shift+delete should do the trick.

If it still doesn't work:

  1. Close the page and reload it; it should now be removed from autocomplete;

  2. Check if the unwanted URL is in your bookmarks; once removed from bookmarks, it will disappear from autocomplete.

How picky are RAID controllers when replacing a drive?

I had a drive fail in a RAID5 array and I'm working on finding a replacement. It's an older drive that's fairly hard to find, and most of them out there are used. How close of a drive do I need to the failed one? Can it just be the same size/speed or should I try to get the same model as the old one? Thanks!


Ideally, you want the exact same model, with the same firmware, size, speed, etc.

However, you should be able to get away with any drive as long as it is at least the same size, or bigger. Obviously, if it was smaller, the RAID would not have enough space. I have seen RAID controllers complain about "non-RAID compatible firmware", but the ones I have seen allow you to use the drive anyway - and it works fine. Another thing of note would be slower drives can cause bottlenecks and reduce the performance of the array. Personally, I cant recall a RAID array rejecting a drive for use, even on high performance RAID arrays.

How do I make it obvious which Firefox Profile is being used?

There are security advantages to opening potentially sensitive sites in a separate Firefox profile from a normal one.

Is there any way of clearly indicating to a user which Firefox windows are using a particular Firefox Profile?


You can install a theme in one of the profiles to make it obvious which is which,

Firefox remember password for single site

generally I don't save my passwords but for one particular site I would like to in firefox. Is there a way to save a password for a single site, without being prompted for every other site that has passwords? Or is there an extension/plugin I could use to do this?

thanks, Jeff


IIRC, you can save it for that one site then disable the Password remembering. Another way, since Firefox's password manager is so insecure that you can access it without even booting into your OS, even with a master password, is to use KeePass, which fakes keystrokes to enter your password in on-demand. Much more secure.

Looking for tool to show IP packets (and do analysis) sent/received from/to my machine (want to debug why can't mount network drive)

fiddler2 comes close but this only deals with web browsers it seems.

I need this tool to debug why I can't mount a common standard network/NAS drive (e.g. via SMB/SAMBA) in Windows 7 Pro and Home.

Looking for definitive answer to accessing a network drive/NAS/SMB drive via Windows 7 HOME and Windows 7 Professional. Is it possible and how?


Use the Wireshark packet analyzer. It has special support for many protocols and can help you with debugging issues by decoding SMB messages.

linux - In /etc/resolv.conf, what exactly does the "search" configuration option do?

If I have the option set as the domain name of the server itself, does that mean the server itself is used first to lookup domain names before querying the external internet? i.e. /etc/hosts will be queried?

For example:



From man resolv.conf

The search list is normally determined from the local domain name; by default, it contains only the local domain name. This may be changed by listing the desired domain search path following the search keyword with spaces or tabs separating the names. Resolver queries having fewer than ndots dots (default is 1) in them will be attempted using each component of the search path in turn until a match is found. For environments with multiple subdomains please read options ndots:n below to avoid man-in-the-middle attacks and unnecessary traffic for the root-dns-servers. Note that this process may be slow and will generate a lot of network traffic if the servers for the listed domains are not local, and that queries will time out if no server is available for one of the domains.

The search list is currently limited to six domains with a total of 256 characters.

To summarize the above, assuming no change from the defaults mentioned above, if something gets to the resolver that has no dots in it, the resolver will try adding to it.

So lets say you just type http://somesite/somedocument.html in your browser. The resolver will catch that and first try to resolve - equivalent if you actually typed - before trying what you actually requested.

This is helpful if you are part of a LAN environment that has its own DNS server so that people can type simple names to reach local resources. If you don't have a home or corporate LAN with your own DNS server it's nothing you really have to worry about.

windows xp - USB device not working properly on a Thinkpad T60

I have just started getting a message that a USB device is not working properly. This is on a new Thinkpad T60 running Windows XP Professional SP3.

I have had all devices attached for about 10 days or so.

When I go to Device Manager there is no sign of a problem: everything is working correctly.

I am unable to find out which device it is.

I searched Super User, but the only reference I found was to older computers which may not be USB 2.0 capable. This is not my problem.

EDIT: I realized I had a harddrive attached but turned off. Although I could not track down any error messages except the balloon that came up, I have disconnected it and, so far, no messages. We'll see over the next day or two, but this may be the problem.

EDIT 2: This has not solved the problem. I get the message that one of the USB devices has malfunctioned and it points to "USB root hub (2 ports)" and shows an unused port and an unknown device. However, when I check my device manager, it says that there are no problems, everything is working as it should?

EDIT: I now found the event log view and there are two types of error messages. They do not relate to the time that I get the balloon. Two of the three are "Ati2mtag" errors and the third is "System Control Manager". Are these related to my problem, and the balloon just pops up randomly?

EDIT: well, I'm still having the problem, and have narrowed it down to a malfunctioning device.


I took my computer to my local tech. He updates the drivers. He said that it was because, although I am using a powered hub, I have so many devices hooked up that the power it supplies is inadequate. All still seems to be working but I still occasionally get the message.

Thanks all.

macos - Can Apple Macintosh computers boot from a USB volume?

Can I attach a USB external drive to a Mac and boot from it?

Specifically, will I be able to install Snow Leopard from an external USB DVD drive on a modern Intel Macbook?


Mac 101: Yes, Intel Macs can be booted from an external USB drive

Since the release of the Intel Mac computers, and with Mac OS X 10.4.5 or later, you can start up from an installed system on a USB hard disk. Here's the Apple support document that tells you how to do it.

windows - My usb 3g data card sometimes switches to 2g but never switches back without plugging it in and out again

Is there a way to automate the redial process once that happens?



[PowerShell] disable+enable all connections

The most elegant method to reset all connections is maybe PowerShell. Save this as .PS1 script and execute it with admin rights.

Get-WMIObject Win32_NetworkAdapter -Filter "NetConnectionID LIKE '%'" | %{
netsh interface set interface "$($_.NetConnectionID)" DISABLED
Start-Sleep 3
netsh interface set interface "$($_.NetConnectionID)" ENABLED


[CMD] disable+enable connection

Save this in a batch and execute it as admin where stands for the interface you want to disable and re-enable.

netsh interface set interface  disabled  
ping -n 5 > NUL
netsh interface set interface enabled

  • To get the correct interface name, type netsh interface show interface

  • Wrap the interface name with quotation marks when it contain blanks (otherwise not)

  • the ping command just adds a small break of 5 sec to see the effect in Network and Sharing center

[CMD] reconnect mobile connection

(thx @laggingreflex)

netsh mbn connect interface= connmode=name name=

enter image description here

Tuesday 28 November 2017

linux - how to grant execute permission without read permission?

I want to grant execute permission for a script, but not read permission since I do not want user to read the content for the script. But it seems not working, I post what I am doing and seeking for advice,

sub-directory demo is owned by root user and root group,

Case 1, make execute+read permission, works

chmod 775 /home/yhd/demo/text

Then user yhd can execute text command without any issues

Case 2, make execute permission only, not working

chmod 771 /home/yhd/demo/text

Then user yhn cannot execute text command, and error message is permission denied


The problem with scripts is that the script is not what is running, but the interpreter (bash in this case).

The interpreter needs to read the script.

Since reading the file is forbidden then it can't be executed inside the interpreter.

This is different from a program, because programs are loaded directly into the kernel.

One solution is to use a compiler that will generate a C program equivalent to the script, like SHC, that you can download from here or from this guide.

Windows 7: Add column to ALL music folders

In Windows 7 Explorer, when I open a folder containing only music, it's smart enough to show me a custom set of columns (Name, #, Title, Contributing Artists, Album) that make sense for a music folder.

However, I also always want to see a Length column.

I can right click on the column headers and add the Length column, which is persistent for that folder, but when I go to another music folder, it doesn't have the new Length column.

How do I set up Windows so that ALL music folders ALWAYS show me this column?


You can add extra columns in the 'Details' view in one music folder and then set that as the default for all music folders via the 'Folder Options' dialog ('Organise > Folder and search options > View' and click 'Apply to folders').
Win 7 is clever enough to only apply this view to other music folders.

Moving the Windows 7 hard disk from one machine to another

My laptop running Windows 7 Ultimate (non OEM) died on me today and it has tonnes of stuff on it - my projects, Visual Studio and office installations, etc. etc.

I am getting a new laptop from somewhere and was wondering if I could just unplug the hard disk from my original (dead) machine and plug it into the new one.

I remember trying this once with Windows Xp (on a desktop) and the OS crashed on boot and I had to reinstall everything again.

I have read about sysprep but by the looks of it, it can be used only when the host computer is alive and kicking -- which mine isn't.

My old laptop was a Compaq Pressario v3000 (3 years old) on an AMD and the new one is going to be a new dual core Intel HP laptop.

Any ideas?



the drivers in use are completely different between your old computer and the new one. You can plug it in and turn it on, but be prepared to spend a lot of time updating drivers, if it works at all. you should try booting into safe mode first, and then update your chipset drivers first. HP should have a list of drivers for your machine and the order to install them.

How to map/bind mouse button as keyboard button in Windows 7?

I'm trying to map/bind my mouse button 4 and button 5 to behave as kayboard num pad 1 and 2, does exist some way to do that? Maybe with some specific software?


Try X-Mouse Button Control:

X-Mouse Button Control is a Windows application to remap your mouse buttons and expand the capabilities of your mouse!

The extensive list of functions available to map to your mouse buttons includes options such as:

  • Send any keys using the simulated keystroke editor

  • Launch any windows application

  • Copy/Cut/Paste

  • Media control (play/pause/stop/volume/mute etc.)

  • Capture screen (or active window) image to clipboard

  • Click-Drag [Sticky buttons/keys]

  • Vista (and Windows 7) support with some Vista/7 only features such as 'Flip 3D'

  • And much more!


windows 7 - Why does Windows7 create two partitions?

I installed Windows7 Ultimate from scratch, and it warns that it might create a 100MB partition before creating a second one where the real stuff lives. This makes imaging more complicated.

# fdisk -lu

Disk /dev/sda: 320.1 GB, 320072933376 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 38913 cylinders, total 625142448 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk identifier: 0xf1f75308

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/sda1 * 2048 206847 102400 7 HPFS/NTFS
Partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary.
/dev/sda2 206848 30722047 15257600 7 HPFS/NTFS
/dev/sda3 172908544 254828543 40960000 83 Linux

Does someone know why Windows7 needs two partitions, and whether it's possible to have a single partition?

I'm also interested to know if any steps are required before imaging Windows7 (sysrep, etc.) where the image will be reinstalled on the same host (own test machine).



The second 100mb partition is your boot sector, plus recovery options. You should NOT delete this; however, you can avoid the creation of this partition if you format your drive using something other than the Windows Setup before installing Windows.

P.S. You can assign a drive letter to this partition in Disk Management and see what's on it if you're interested.

windows - How to determine what is running in DLLHOST.EXE that's missing /ProcessID switch?

I have multiple dllhost.exe processes running on my Windows 7 computer: enter image description here

Every one of these image's command line is missing (what I am thinking is) the requisite /ProcessID:{000000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000000000} command line option: enter image description here

Question: How can I determine what's actually running in this process?

It's my belief that if I can identify the actual application doing the work inside these dllhost.exe processes I'll be able to determine if my system is infected or not (see below).

Why I'm Asking/What I've Tried:

These DLLHOST.EXE instances look suspicious to me. For example, several of them have a lot of open TCP/IP connections:

enter image description here

Process Monitor shows and absurd amount of activity. Just one of these processes generated 124,390 events in under 3 minutes. To make matters worse, several of these dllhost.exe processes are writing approximately 280 MB of data per minute to the user's TEMP and Temporary Internet Files folders in the form of folders and files with random four character names. Some of these are in use and cannot be deleted. Here's a filtered sample:

enter image description here

I know this is probably malicious. Unfortunately, blasting the system from orbit must only be done after exhausting all other options. To that point, I've done:

  1. Malwarebytes full scan

  2. Microsoft Security Essentials full scan

  3. Thoroughly reviewed Autoruns and submitted files I don't recognize to

  4. Thoroughly reviewed HijackThis

  5. TDSSKiller scan

  6. Reviewed this SuperUser question

  7. Followed these instructions: How To Determine Which Application Is Running Within a COM+ or Transaction Server Package

  8. For each of the DLLHOST.EXE processes, I've reviewed the DLLs and Handles view in Process Explorer for any .exe, .dll or other application-type files for anything suspicious. Everything checked out though.

  9. Ran ESET Online scanner

  10. Ran Microsoft Safety Scanner

  11. Booted to Safe Mode. The command switch-less dllhost.exe instance is still running.

And aside from a few minor adware detections, nothing malicious is popping up!

Update 1

Update 2
Results of SFC /SCANNOW: enter image description here


I see on my computer dllhost.exe running from C:\Windows\System32, while yours is running from C:\Windows\SysWOW64, which looks somewhat suspicious. But the problem can still be caused by some 32-bit product installed on your computer.
Check also the Event Viewer and post here any suspicious messages.

My guess is that you are infected or that Windows has become very unstable.

The first step is to see whether the problem arrives when booting into Safe mode. If it doesn't arrive there, then the problem is (maybe) with some installed product.

If the problem does arrive in Safe mode, then the problem is with Windows. Try running sfc /scannow to verify system integrity.

If no problems are found, scan using :

If nothing helps, try a boot-time antivirus such as :

To avoid burning real CDs, use Windows 7 USB DVD Download Tool to install the ISOs one-by-one on a USB key to boot from.

If all fails and you do suspect an infection, the safest solution is to format the disk and reinstall Windows, but try all other possibilities first.

How to Sync Thunderbird Contacts with Gmail Contacts

I have thunderbird 3.0 with the Zindus plugin. However it seems that Zindus syncs one way.

For example I type a new email address into thunderbird and then go to my gmail account and it has no record of this contact.

So is there a plugin or some setting that will make Zindus work both ways?


I'd recommend the Google Contacts add-on for Thunderbird (update 2015: this is no longer supported or available for recent versions of Thunderbird >24.X)

alt text

Access bi-directionaly to Google contacts via address books. This extension detects gmail accounts which have already set up and creates address books for each of them. Cards in the address books are synchronized with Google contacts; they represent the current Google contacts contents and Google contacts will be modified when you modify the cards. TB's mailing lists and Google's contacts groups are synchronized in the same manner.

For more information, click this link.

How to Modify Windows 7 Search to Index Removable Drives

I have over 8GB in my "Code Library" that I maintain on a 64GB "ScanDisk Ultra Backup USB Device".

Windows Search 4.0 (installed on Windows XP) can index removable drives, but Windows 7 (which uses Windows Search 4.0) cannot because the USB device identifies itself as a "Removable" drive and Windows 7 refuses to index removable drives.

How can I modify Windows 7 Search to index removable drives?

All suggestions welcome and greatly appreciated.

filesystems - Can Airport Extremes handle NTFS external drives?

I've got an Airport Extreme and an external USB Hard Drive formatted with NTFS. (And a LAN of Windows XP Machines.)

The drive works perfectly when connected directly to a PC.

When it's connected to the AE, however, the Airport Utility sees the drive and lists it in the Disks list, but the drive doesn't appear on the network (as near as I can tell.)

Can the AE handle NTFS formatted disks? The documentation is vague on that point.


OSX doesn't support NTFS Formatting -> NTFS is not supported by AE.

FAT32 or HFS+ only

right to left - How to switch writing direction (LTR/RTL) in Word 2007?

I received a word document that was probably created on a machine with some sort of right-to-left locale (e.g. Middle East). All text is in English but editing it is a pain. However, I can't figure out how I can switch the direction to left-to-right in Word 2007. The directions here are not helping since I can't find the "Views" button or tab that I am supposed to click as described under "Set right-to-left text writing". So how do I switch? Thanks!


  1. Add and enable the alternate language under Start / Programs / Microsoft Office / Microsoft Office Tools / 2007 Microsoft Office system Language Settings

  2. Click the round Office button:


  3. Click Word Options:


  4. Click Customize:


  5. In the Choose commands from drop-down menu, select Home Tab instead of Popular Commands

  6. Find and highlight Left-to-Right Direction, then click the Add button to move it to the Customize Quick Access Toolbar section

  7. Add the Right-to-Left Direction command to the QAT as well

  8. Now in the QAT you will see the RTL (4) and LTR (5) buttons, which you can use as required

How do I set iptables so that is blocked, but is not?

-A OUTPUT -d -j DROP – works: Block through http and https as well.

So I try to modify it so that only https is blocked:

-A OUTPUT -d --dport 443 -j DROP – but this won’t work, is allowed through http and https as well.

What am I doing wrong?

Ah, and this is a home computer, I just want to prohibit browsing through https.

Ubuntu fails to mount USB drive

I have an external, self-powered HDD, and when I plug it into the front USB port of the computer, it doesn't mount - instead, I see:

new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 15
configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
USB disconnect, address 15

It works fine when it's plugged into the USB ports at the back of the machine (which are right on the MB). Other devices - usb keys, my cameras, etc - work fine in the front ports.

Does anyone have an explanation for this? Could it be power related?


It's likely power related. Many computer manufacturers does not supply enough power to the front ports of the computer. This is the reason that you should never use the front ports for power hungry devices.

If you're wondering if this is the case a simple call to your computer manufacturers support should verify my claims.

Monday 27 November 2017

How to set default file format for MS Paint

I'm using MS Paint on WinXP at work, for capturing simple screenshots.
Problem: MS Paint always wants to save in BMP format.
How can I set PNG to be Paint's default file-saving format?

Note: Suggestions about other software are irrelevant. I know there are many other software tools available. But I'm asking specifically about MS Paint.


I'm afraid this is not possible, based on this answer to a related question. It would be good if someone can confirm this.

virtualbox - How can I install virtual box guest addition

I have install an 'Ubuntu server' environment on top of Virtual box which runs under Windows7.

How can I install virtual box guest addition? I have added the 'GuestAddition.iso' file under 'Storage'. But when I start the machine, I go to '/media/cdrom', there is nothing under that directory.

how can I fix it? I want my 'Ubuntu server window' (defined by Virtual box) bigger.

Thank you.


Instead, install the virtualbox additions from your distro version's official repositories:

sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose-guest-utils

windows 7 - How can I reverse mouse movement (X & Y axis) system-wide? (Win 7 x64)

Short Version

I'm looking for a way to reverse the X and Y mouse axis movements. The computer is running Windows 7, x64 and Logitech SetPoint 6.32. I would like a system-level, permanent fix; such as a mouse driver modification or a registry tweak. Does anyone know of a solid way of implementing this, or how to find the registry values to change this? I'll settle quite happily for how to enable the orientation feature in SetPoint 6.32 for mice as well as trackballs.

Long Version People seem never to understand why I would want this, and I commonly hear "just use the mouse right-side up!" advice. Dyslexia is not something which can be cured by "just reading things right." While I appreciate the attempts to help, I'm hoping some background may help people understand.

I have a user with an unusual form of dyslexia, for whom mouse movements are backward. If she wants to move her cursor left, she will move the mouse right. If she wants the cursor to move up, she'll move the mouse down. She used to hold her mouse upside-down, which makes sophisticated clicking difficult, is terrible for ergonomics, and makes multi-button mice completely useless.

In olden times, mouse drivers included an orientation feature (typically a hot-air balloon you dragged upward to set the mouse movement orientation) which could be used to set the relationship between mouse movement and cursor movement. Several years ago, mouse drivers were "improved" and this feature has since been limited to trackballs.

After losing the orientation feature she went back to upside-down mousing for a bit, until finding UberOptions, a tweak for Logitech SetPoint, which would enable all features for all pointing devices. This included the orientation feature. And there was much rejoicing.

Now her mouse has died, and current Logitech mice require a newer version of SetPoint for which UberOptions has not been updated. We've also seen MAF-Mouse (the developer indicated the version for 64-bit Windows does not support USB mice, yet) and Sakasa (while it works, commentary on the web indicate it tends to break randomly and often. It's also just a running program, so not system-wide.).

I have seen some very sophisticated registry hacks. For example, I used to use a hack which would change the codes created by the F1-F12 keys when the F-Lock key was invented and defaulted to screwing my keyboard up. I'm hoping there's a way to flip X and Y in the registry; or some other, similar, system-level tweak out there.

Another solution could be re-enabling the orientation feature for mice, as well as trackballs. It's very frustrating that input device drivers include the functionality we desperately need for an accessibilty concern, but it's been disabled in the name of making the drivers more idiot-proof.


Couldn't find anything online, and I figured this shouldn't be too hard to make, so I went ahead and built one myself. Requires Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 in order to run.

Polynomial's Mouse Inverter (freeware, under CC-BY-NC-SA license) - (Alt Link)

Let me know how it works out for you :)

Sorry this took so long, but here's the code that actually does the inversion:

internal class Inverter
private Point pos = Cursor.Position;

private bool invertX;

private bool invertY;

private bool running;

private bool exit;

public bool InvertX
return this.invertX;
this.invertX = value;
if (this.InvertSettingsChanged != null)
this.InvertSettingsChanged(this, new EventArgs());

public bool InvertY
return this.invertY;
this.invertY = value;
if (this.InvertSettingsChanged != null)
this.InvertSettingsChanged(this, new EventArgs());

public bool Running
return this.running;

public Inverter(bool x, bool y)
this.invertX = x;
this.invertY = y;
this.pos = Cursor.Position;

private void MouseLoop()
Thread.CurrentThread.IsBackground = true;
Thread.CurrentThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Highest;
while (!this.exit)
Point position = Cursor.Position;
int right = (this.invertX ? this.pos.X - (position.X - this.pos.X) : position.X);
if (this.invertX)
if (right < 2)
right = 2;
if (right > Screen.FromPoint(position).Bounds.Right - 2)
Rectangle bounds = Screen.FromPoint(position).Bounds;
right = bounds.Right - 2;
int bottom = (this.invertY ? this.pos.Y - (position.Y - this.pos.Y) : position.Y);
if (this.invertY)
if (bottom < 2)
bottom = 2;
if (bottom > Screen.FromPoint(position).Bounds.Bottom - 2)
Rectangle rectangle = Screen.FromPoint(position).Bounds;
bottom = rectangle.Bottom - 2;
Cursor.Position = new Point(right, bottom);
this.pos = Cursor.Position;
this.exit = false;

public void Start()
this.pos = Cursor.Position;
this.running = true;
(new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.MouseLoop))).Start();

public void Stop()
this.running = false;
this.exit = true;

public event EventHandler InvertSettingsChanged;

I just pulled this out of the executable with Telerik JustDecompile, because I don't have the original code. You can extract an entire VS project with JD if you need the full application code.

usb - Booting from pen drive - possible or not

I have an iso file of operating system's set up.

Now, I don't have dvd burner right now.

But the alternate - 4gb pen drive is available.

If I copy entire iso file to pen drive,

Can my system boot through pend drive?


Since you worded it as "if I copy the entire iso file to the pen drive" I want to just clarify something. You do not want to copy the .iso file to the thumb drive. You need to use an utility, such as UltraISO, to extract the ISO contents first. It is those files that need to be on the thumb drive. Also make sure that whatever is in the root of the ISO is also in the root of the thumb drive. I have seen people copy the ISO contents into a folder on the thumb drive and then be surprised why it won't boot.

Can I create a custom recovery image for Windows 10 like recimg did in Windows 8.1?

One of my pet peeves with refreshing Windows 10 is that I always have to spend several hours reinstalling the software I need by default: Steam, Origin, Chrome, Uplay, 1Password, Skype, Office,... It's quite a list.

In researching, I read several articles that explain that I can create a custom recovery image. However, the method that's usually recommended, recimg, appears to have been removed in Windows 10 release version.

I found this article that explains how to do it using reagentc. Is this the current method of creating a custom recovery image that has preinstalled software?



For the sake of completeness here are the tools & relevant keywords one has to use to get custom recovery for Windows 10. Thanks to search engines and drastic changes on MS side, internet is flooded with badly outdated howtos.

These days, the feature you are looking for is called Push-Button reset abbreviated as PBR. Essentially all necessary information can be found there. But basically, you are relying on built-in mechanism that uses Windows Component Store (C:\Windows\WinSxS) augmented with custom provisioning packages (ppkg).

You'll need Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (ADK) and USMT from there with ScanState tool. ScanTool in Windows 10 ADK was augmented with /apps to capture installed Windows desktop applications into ppkg, and, starting from Anniversary build 14393, with /diff. You can install ADK on another PC and prepare necessary files by Starting Deployment and Imaging Tools Environment and running CopyDandI.cmd amd64 d:\SppTools to get a copy of x64 version into d:\SppTools .

Optionally one may turn installed classic apps into shortcuts (file pointers) for deferred deployment. See step 10-6. (It was always a puzzle for me when I saw a link to install Excel and alike on a brand new PC). Single instancing can be used to run application directly from provisioning packages sitting in your c:\recovery\customizations.

You can also capture application one by one into isolated (siloed) provisioning packages essentially by diffing system state. Note that it won't work in Windows 10 editions before Anniversary (build 14393).

Although not explicitly stated, it looks like one may still capture everything into install.wim. Although it undermines the whole idea of rebuilding OS from up-to-date components. See the first diagram named "Capturing Base App SPP" and step 4 that mentions install.wim can be a "customized push-button reset recovery image". This didn't work for me

Windows 10 treats specially folders like C:\Recovery\Customizations (with ppkgs) and C:\Recovery\OEM (with other scripts you might create) - it copies them into recovery media you'll create using standard features.

And here is the link for hands-on labs for training.

Personally, after reading how many steps one should take, I settled on Sysprep built into Windows 10 and Clonezilla.

Steps that worked for me in Anniversary edition

Note that the following is for an "average advanced user" and is simplified as possible and isn't meant as the ultimate guide.

  1. Install ADK with USMT on a spare PC and copy tools to SppTools on a flash drive as written above, i.e. CopyDandI.cmd amd64 d:\SppTools.

  2. Then boot clean reference PC and press Ctrl+Shift+F3 from Welcome Screen to reboot into Audit mode. If you were already under normal user, use sysprep\sysprep (I had on my PC at least) from elevated console and choose reboot to Audit. Remember to delete your user once in Audit mode.

  3. Install all the stuff you want and insert that flash drive, and open command prompt followed by changing directory to SppTools.

  4. Optionally, from Admin prompt compact /compactos:always. This saved me ~2.2GB. So up to you if worth a shot.

  5. Use Disk Cleanup and delete all junk like RetailDemo Offline Content.

  6. Then scanstate /apps /ppkg C:\Recovery\Customizations\base.ppkg /tel:off This will take time. Optionally, I'd suggest to save such lines into some cmd in d:\SppTools\ for ease of use next time, if ever, so it can be used with type, more and alike for copy-pasting.

  7. Now, if you forgot another app, install it, and do scanstate /apps /diff:C:\Recovery\Customizations\base.spp /ppkg C:\Recovery\Customizations\more.spp /tel:off Don't bother with it. This captures the difference, but for whatever reasons SPP unlike PPKG isn't automatically provisioned. Also see notes.

  8. Now you can reboot to OOBE using sysprep dialog (you were in Audit mode, right?). Tick Generalize if you plan on deploying to other devices, otherwise I'm not sure it is necessary. (It caused me a message saying that Windows 10 can't be installed on my hardware, but worked fine other time.)

  9. Finally, you can create a Recovery Drive using standard tool as usually:-)

If you want to keep raw image before rebooting and save some extra space you can do the following as well just before 8).

  1. Reboot into WinPE 10 on some USB flash drive instead of Out-Of-Box-Experience, I hope you have some lying around.

  2. Make it Single Instance with dism /Apply-CustomDataImage /customdataimage:c:\recovery\customizations\base.spp /imagepath:C:\ /SingleInstance. Think twice, though! Once you install updates, you'll loose twice as much space.

  3. Cleanup with md c:\temp, dism /Cleanup-Image /Image=c:\ /startComponentCleanup /ResetBase /ScratchDir:C:\Temp, rmdir c:\temp. (I have no idea how to insert code block into a list)

  4. Capture image dism /Capture-Image /ImageFile:d:\some-image-to-apply-on-another-pc-later-manually.wim /CaptureDir:C:\ /Name:Drive-C


  1. Note that testing PBR out will leave traces in C:\Windows\Logs\PBR as well as C:\$SysReset.

  2. I played with various options likes /config:Config_AppsAndSettings.xml, /genconfig, /i, /ue:*, /tel and they made no difference in combination with /apps options. Just in case, I keep /tel:off.

  3. I get defaultuser0 after reset. I wonder if someone can comment on how to avoid that.

  4. /apps will not work with /offlinewindir for dism.

  5. I have no idea yet how single instancing works with upgrades and uninstalls. Works well. But space is wasted.

  6. I stumbled on Visual Studio 2015 Community "prerelease license expired" issue. I'm not sure what caused that. Single Instanceing or something wasn't captured.

  7. On siloed packages, they aren't restored and dism says it doesn't know what is /Apply-SiloedPackage.

Here are some reference numbers for free space reported by dir.

  1. Before applying custom image: 196,703,948,800 bytes free

  2. After applying: 219,435,716,608 bytes free

  3. after deleting pagefile and alike (not necessary for dism though): 226,386,108,416 bytes free

  4. After rebooting and OOBE (9.) I got somehow 223,074,557,952 bytes free.

To see that you are truly using single instancing use fsutil wim

fsutil wim enumwims c:
0 {C55440AD-B696-49DE-A63F-3A60BE169FD5} 00000000 C:\Recovery\Customizations\base.spp:1

1 {8E902FE3-90AC-44C2-BFC6-E14B703B8526} 00000000 C:\Recovery\Customizations\sdr.spp:1

Objects enumerated: 2

And to check a particular file

fsutil wim queryfile c:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin\choco.exe
Wim DataSource: 0
Wim Hash: 75a43e820eb05beb43f9f22b568838f609d1d92b
Wim State: Operational

windows 8 - How can I add a heading to different groups of tiles in the Start Screen?

Is there a way to add headings to different groups of tiles in the Windows 8 start screen so that they can be distinguished easily?


Follow these steps:

  1. Open the Start Screen.


  2. If you are using a tablet, press two fingers on the screen and move them towards each other. Or, if you are using a mouse, click at the extreme bottom-right corner.


  3. If you are using a tablet, press the group of tiles and move your finger a bit down. Or, if you are using a mouse then right-click the group of tiles.


  4. Click Name Group.


  5. Type the name that you want to give to the tile group and click Name.


  6. That's it.


ubuntu - Remap arrow keys to win+ijkl on linux

I'd like to remap arrow keys to windows key plus ijkl. I can do this easily in Autohotkey on windows, but I'm struggling on Linux (Ubuntu lucid).

I'd really like the solution to work independently of whether I'm using a window manager or not, and to involve modifying as few files as possible; I work on a lots of different machines and am always building new ones, so would like to minimise reconfig effort.

I've tried to understand .Xmodmap, but couldn't make it work (was hard to find detailed docs on modifier keys).

(Am also considering win+hjkl, but am probably not that hardcore)


Use xev to find out the key code for the modifier key(Win key in this case).

Let it be 66.

Make a file named Xmodmap (or whatever you like) with the following content.

keycode 66 = Mode_switch
keysym j = j J Left
keysym l = l L Right
keysym i = i I Up
keysym k = k K Down

Now load these mappings using xmodmap Xmodmap

How to open a file from bash command line in the already open Emacs instead of a new instance?

How to open a file from bash command line in the already open Emacs instead of a new instance? When I type

$ emacs file.txt

it opens a new Emacs instance, instead of opening the file in the existing Emacs instance. Mac OS X 10.6.8. and

GNU Emacs 23.4.1 (x86_64-apple-darwin10.8.0, NS apple-appkit-1038.36)

of 2012-02-27 on


what you are looking for is emacs server mode. Add this line to your .emacs file:


Then, open the file using emacsclient:

emacsclient foobar.txt

Have a look at this page for more information.

To avoid having to start emacs manually or setting it to auto-start, you could write a little function that tries connecting to a running server (by running emacsclient) and if not, runs emacs instead. Add this to your shell's configuration file (e.g. ~/.bashrc):

emacsclient "$@" 2>/dev/null || /usr/bin/emacs "$@"

Now, simply running emacs file will either start the server or connect to an existing instance.

linux - How to make my default gateway permanent in CentOS? So that after a reboot it does not get lost

I have a CentOS running. It is important to have my CentOS available when I am remotely connected to a VPN router. I tried to add a default gateway to the VPN router, but after reboot it goes away. How can i put this as permanent?

ip route add via dev eth0


If i've read your question right, i think you want to add


into /etc/sysconfig/network then reboot or do service network restart to test it.

Although i'm not entirely sure from your question that you do actually want a default gateway at all. I think you may just want to make a static route permanent ?

windows - Increase Speed of MP3 With Command-Line Tool

I'm looking for a Windows command-line tool that will allow me to increase the playback speed of MP3 files (podcasts and audiobooks). Preferrably free or open source.

Update: I want to be able to listen to a 1 hour podcast in less than 60 minutes, but it would be nice if the pitch wasn't changed.

If necessary, I can convert the MP3 to WAV first and then back again.


SoX, the Swiss Army knife of sound processing programs, can do this without a hitch:

sox --show-progress input.mp3 output.mp3 tempo 1.5

How to merge multiple PDF files onto one page with pdftk?

I have a range of PDF files 1.pdf, 2.pdf, etc. that I would like to merge into one file, with all the PDFs tiled on one page.

Currently, I have tried pdftk to merge these files, but they are put on separate pages:

pdftk 1.pdf 2.pdf ... cat output merged.pdf

Is there a way to, instead, tile the individual PDF files into one master page on merged.pdf?

power supply - Can PSU cause my PC to reboot?

I'm having an issue with my PC: It is rebooting sometimes, and I am suspecting the PSU, so I want to confirm a few things. It is a new PC and the first issues started occuring roughly one month after purchase. Also they only occur after several hours of usage. And it seemed that completely shutting down powerline to the PC, and waiting few minutes, then putting it on again, seemed to relief the issue, but that might be just coincidence?

First off:

  • Does the PSU capacity decrease over lifetime of the PSU?

  • Does the PSU capacity temporarily decrease as it is active for a continious time?

My PC specs: Intel i7-3770, 16GB RAM, GTX 770, SSD, HDD. I think Asus Z77 motherboard.

As you can see it is pretty high-end, but I rechecked the PSU on the invoice yesterday and to my surprise I found a 30 euro PSU, namely the HKC V-550.

My system draws 480W of power from the powerline, if on full GPU & CPU stresstest. This is a heavily modified version of their base system, which did not include such a high-end GPU as the GTX770.

Also, as far as I know, a system shutdown (without! bluescreen) can only occur, if:

  • PSU shuts down

  • CPU shuts down

  • Motherboard shuts down?

But to me it occurs to be logical that the PC would not reboot if the CPU or Motherboard had shutdown, yet with a PSU and a safety switch it might seem logical that it could reboot.

Also about the reboot: The PC "on"-LED in the front turns off once it reboots, and in my headset (that is connected through USB) I heard some kind of clicking sound once when it turns off, and once when it turns on. Might that be enough reason to believe that it is the PSU?

Also, the temperatures of my CPU and GPU, actually of my whole PC, are perfectly fine under load. The only real test I have not been able to do yet is Memtest86, but wouldn't that lead to a bluescreen under windows anyway? Instead of a reboot.

Well I hope someone is able to help me here.


To those who feel like commenting on this answer or even downvoting, please make sure to read it in full and check out the links before you do so. Constructive criticism is by all means welcome, but I don't fancy fielding comments that are already covered by the answer itself. Thank you.

It seems like your current power supply is underrated for the load you are putting on it. As you found, the PSU can provide a maximum of 24 A on the single 12 V rail (288 W), while the GTX 770 supposedly (according to the OP's comment) needs 42 A at 12 V (504 W); @davidgo found a TDP of 230 W for the GPU itself, which goes well with figures published on Tom's Hardware saying about 250 W is needed. The graphics card drawing "just" 250 W would still leave very little margin for anything else on 12 V when the graphics card is working hard. Things that run on 12 V are usually those with motors: spinning-rust hard disks (clocking at about 10 W apiece when working, more on startup), fans, and (as you have found out) some high-powered electronics. To prevent worse problems, including short circuits, the power supply might very well be designed through either a current or thermal trip to shut down in case of an overload.

As this is a card you apparently have added yourself, you shouldn't expect the supplied PSU to be dimensioned to handle such a load. Keep in mind that the typical idle power consumption of a desktop computer is 60 W, and on the order of twice that might be a reasonable figure for a fairly typical computer (except the monitor) under load.

You should look for a power supply that is rated for the necessary load on the appropriate rails. Since you'd need to supply at least around 50 A on 12 V (600 W there alone) to guarantee enough power for the graphics card if it really draws 500 W, you'll be looking at power supplies at least in the 800 W and up range. If the graphics card draws on the order of 250 W, you might easily get away with a 500 W PSU. What is most important (more so than the total wattage rating) is to pay close attention to the rated amperages on the different rails and the requirements of your particular graphics card and through the motherboard the CPU (since those two by far will consume most of the power unless you have an insane number of other pieces of equipment in the computer) so you don't end up with another power supply that exhibits the same problem.

How to associate a file with a program in Windows via CMD

Possible Duplicate:
Associate a File Type with a Specific Program

How do I change file association via the cmd.exe prompt?

I know this is similar to this question, but I'm only concerned with CMD.


I'm editing my answer, because you can do it. The FTYPE command, in conjunction with the ASSOC command will let you change file associations.

To find your file type associations, you use the assoc command at the command prompt. Make sure you pipe it to the more filter because the list is quite long and will scroll out of your buffer.

assoc | more

After you know how you want to change the file associations, use the ftype command:

ftype TIFImage.Document="C:\Program Files\MSPVIEW.exe" "%1"

Ubuntu 10.04 is not booting and turns to blank screen - cannot login

My Ubuntu 10.04 beta turns into black screen when I start it up. I see the Purple Ubuntu loading for less than a second, then it turns into blank black screen and nothing happens after, cannot use it or login.

I restarted it twice for updates, and it worked. I hibernated it (didn't work) so I forced to shutdown. It didn't boot since.

My video card is nVidia GeForce GT 130M.


Try booting up regularly and when it goes blank wait until you're sure that it's at the login screen.

Then hit Ctrl+Alt+F1 (in that order... well make sure you hit Ctrl+Alt before F1) to get into the command line mode. From there you can log in with your username and password to run apt-get upgrade, update, etc., and to remove your video card driver or replace it, etc.

Ctrl+Alt+F7 is the key combo to get back into the graphical mode.

Just be sure that if you do start up the PC that you don't just hard shut it down. Doing so can introduce errors into your OS that won't be very fun to diagnose or fix!

Sunday 26 November 2017

Imaging new hard drive in Windows 7 laptop?

I'm upgrading my Windows 7 laptop to a new hard drive.

How can I clone or image the old hard drive over to the new hard drive, so that it looks like nothing has changed (other than the new hard drive) to my operating system and applications?

Can I use what is built into Windows 7 Backup or should I use something else?

linux - xorg: disable touch sensitivity on clickpad button area on Elantech clickpad

Clickpads have mouse buttons integrated. I always lay one finger on the (left) button (to be ready to press ;). The problem with this is, that I prevent myself moving the cursor with my finger if I lay one finger on the virtual left button.

How can I disable touch sensitivity on the bottom area of the clickpad that integrates tha button?

windows task scheduler - What happens if I set single threaded process to realtime priority on multicore PC?

I'm referring to Windows 10 operating system, but I believe the answer might be OS independent.

On windows, the real-time priority level is the highest priority level, use to process keyboard and mouse input for instance.

From what I read online:

Setting a CPU-intensive process to real-time means that the keyboard and the mouse will become unresponsive because the OS won't get enough CPU time to process these inputs.

Basically, a process set to real-time priority will execute without giving the CPU to any other processes, not even the task manager. If something goes wrong, you won't be able to stop it.

See for instance this Microsoft post: When you set a 100% CPU program to real-time priority, you get what you asked for.


So all this make me afraid to test this level of priority on my machine, which is why I'm asking this question instead of trying it out myself. Also, a theoretical answer seems more future proof than trying with a toy script.

If I run a single-threaded process with real-time priority, I understand that it will execute without stopping until it is finished. But if I have a second core, will I be able to use my PC while this process is running thanks to this second core ?

If yes, this has practical applications. I can run a computational task whose result I need asap on one core while still being able to use my PC with the other core.


If I run a single-threaded process with real-time priority, I understand that it will execute without stopping until it is finished.

That is an exaggeration. There are several things that make it not-true:

  1. What you see in Task Manager as "real-time priority" is actually a range of priorities that the process's threads can access. It's possible for one "real-time" process's threads to have higher priorities than those of another "real-time" process. See my answer here. However, all priorities within the "real-time" class are higher than any of the priorities in all of the other classes.

  2. Most threads don't spend all their code spinning in the CPU, so they won't use 100% of the CPU regardless of their priority. Most threads do have occasion to wait for things now and then. Usually they're waiting for an I/O to complete, or for a hard page fault to be resolved, or for some other thread to indicate that they don't have to wait any more. (The other thread could be in the same process or in a different one.)

  3. The first stages of handling of interrupts from hardware devices (including interrupts from the real-time clock) happen regardless of any thread-based code. This stuff doesn't have a "priority" as priority is an attribute of a thread, but interrupts aren't handled by threads. They take precedence over thread-based code regardless of the latter's priority. You can see the time used by this stuff as "System interrupts" in the Details tab of Windows 10's Task Manager.

The real-time priority class is different from the other priority classes in these ways:

  1. It's higher priority than all the other priority classes (of course).

  2. Threads of processes in this class do not get their priorities automatically adjusted depending on their recent activity, as do threads of processes in other classes, by default. (Thread priority adjustment can be turned off and on programmatically, but by default it's on for non-realtime processes.)

But if I have a second core, will I be able to use my PC while this process is running thanks to this second core ?

Probably. In fact, this is true even if you have only one core that has hyperthreading enabled.

The proper use of the real-time priority class is NOT for a CPU-intensive process. Rather, we use high priorities for tasks that need to respond quickly to events. Intensive CPU-based work in response to those events should be done at low priorities, ideally at below "normal" so as to stay out of the way of interactive users.

windows xp - Is it possible for hackers to steal password stored in your browser?

I was just wondering if Windows XP passwords can be hacked. Then why can't a hacker just hack my passwords stored in my browser?

Is it possible for someone to know my browser-saved password while I surf the Internet? Does it become easy for hackers to steal from browsers that have open source code?

How do I safeguard browser-saved passwords?


If a hacker gains administrative access to your computer, he can certainly steal the passwords stored in the browser. That is one of the good reasons why you shouldn't store high-sensitive passwords in the browser.

Remember that the browser must be able to decrypt your password into clear-text, in order to be able to submit it for you automatically when you wish to gain access to a site. This is what makes the browser the most vulnerable. In many other systems (including the Windows passwords), the actual passwords are not stored, but instead a one-way hash of the actual password, making it practically impossible to revert the stored value to the actual clear-text password.

windows 7 - remedy for a no scroll wheel trackball?

I am thinking to buy an trackball and my option is Logitech trackman marble. But then I found that there is no scroll wheel. How do you tackle with that? Do I definitely want to buy a trackball with scroll wheel? I scroll a lot using facebook.

I don't want to click with my index and middle fingers, so some trackball mice will not work for me, like the Trackman Wheel.

windows 7 - What is the function of c:BOOT

There is a folder c:\boot on hard disk.

It contains files like: BOOTSTAT.DAT and BCD

What is that?

I got that when I install windows.

Basically I am looking for files and directory where windows decide which partition is C: and which partition is D:

I want to ensure that directory never changes.

memory card - How to unlock password protected MicroSD?

Recently I locked a MicroSD memory card from my Nokia 6210 (S60v3) and forgot the password. It was not much of a problem but today I formatted the phone and it is now asking for password. I tried to connect it to PC but it doesn't show up. Is there some way I can access its content?

windows 7 - Recover a partition

So I really thought this question would have been answered already... but I can't find it.

One of the drives I had in my system had a single partition on it. When I turned my machine on recently it no longer works.

At first it did not even show as a drive in explorer, now magically it does but when I try to access it windows prompts me to reformat it....

My iTunes library is on there and I would really love to recover it. What is my best option? Or what kind of tools should I be looking at to recover the data?


Testdisk is the specific tool i'd try for partition recovery though i have no idea if it'll work on windows 7 NTFS partitions.

networking - Is Windows 10 Software NIC Teaming now possible?

Windows Server 2012 brought with it NIC teaming of adapters by different manufacturers.

I mean teaming using 1 NIC from say Intel and the other from Realtek. It has been possible to do teaming or bonding at the driver level, but what was introduced in Windows Server 2012 is at the operating system level. I appreciate Linux has been doing this for years :-)

It didn't make it onto Windows 8/8.1. I've seen some article where people reported it was working on Windows 10 Preview but no longer working.

Is NIC Teaming supported on Windows 10 Pro? Or another edition.


-- EDIT 5/4/16 --

This has been disabled in the most recent version of Windows 10 as well as the insider build 14295. The powershell command will error out or say that LBFO is not supported on the current SKU depending on the versin of Windows you are running. Hopefully MS will re-enable this feature sometime soon.

-- Original Post Below --

Yes, This is possible! To anyone else who found this post by Googling:

I haven't found a way to access this though a GUI, but running the following PowerShell command will create a team for you. Just replace the Ethernet names with your NIC names.

New-NetLbfoTeam TheATeam "Ethernet","Ethernet 6"

You should then get a 2GBs Switch Independent team. From there you can use the Network Connections screen to set it up how you want.

Screenshot of networks and Team

streaming - FFmpeg RTSP send audio stream to Wowza

I am trying to send an audio-stream to my Wowza Cloud Service (trial account) using RTSP. This works fine using LibStreamer library for Android.

I am now trying to do the same with FFmpeg on my desktop streaming my webcam's audio.

I have tried the following command (authentication disabled on Wowza):

ffmpeg -f dshow -re -i audio="Desktop Microphone (HD-3000 - Microsoft LifeCam.)" -acodec aac -strict -2 -f rtsp -muxdelay 0.1 rtsp://

FFmpeg seems to do its thing however I would have expected that the webconsole of Wowza would show "connected" when receiving the stream from FFMpeg.

Any ideas? It might actually be a problem with Wowza but I checked their forum and I couldn't find any post describing my problem.

How can I force a static IP in Windows 7?

Windows 7 is not letting me force a static IP. even after setting the IP, Windows 7 still assigns it's own IP. I am simply trying to setup a NAS system in which I need to set my IP to a certain address. So I am only connected to a switch which connects to the NAS.


Try the command line and see if you have better luck:

netsh interface ip set address name="Local Area Connection" static 1 

Relationship between the size of CPU registers and main memory

I have read this post however I still have a question.

I understand that saying 32 bit processor implies registers of size 32 bit long each of which can hold up to 2^32 data. What does it mean saying 32 bit processor support 4GB addressable memory? What if I have 8GB RAM, does it mean it is more than necessary?

browser - PC's Proxy settings being overridden

I am running IE8 & Firefox 3.0.12 on an XP SP3 PC at work. I think some program is overwriting my proxy settings. How do I figure out what that program is?
I set the proxy settings to : port 8080

This will be overwritten at some later stage to :

localhost 8888

This problem is particularly bad for Firefox. Every time I open it the settings have been changed.


It turns out it is Fiddler that is overriding my settings. When it runs, the proxy settings are changed to use it, on port 8888. When it stops, then proxy settings are returned to normal. I must have crashed it a couple of times, leaving the settings pointing to the non-existant Fiddler proxy.

How to use keyboard to navigate google search results (now that instant search is dead)

As of today, Google Instant Search is dead. This is what it used to look like:

I never cared much for the instant display of results while I typed. However, I did use, hundreds of times a day, the keyboard shortcuts it allowed.

For those that never used it - with instant search turned on, you could:

  • Press enter after a search, and use the up/down keys to move a 'pointer' down through the results

  • Then press 'enter' to open a search result being pointed at

  • At any point in time, typing letters/numbers on the keyboard would refocus on the search bar

  • Pressing enter with a result highlighted could be combined with the ctrl modifier to open a result in a new tab.

I find the mouse quite difficult to use and try to avoid it when possible. Is there a tool or script I could use to replicate the keyboard behaviour that instant search used to give me?

Previous questions have asked (and been answered) in the era of instant search (e.g. this, this and my previous question here), while I'm looking for a non-google replacement with the same functionality.

I am using Chrome on Ubuntu 15.01.

Where does Skype save my contact&#39;s avatars in Linux?

I'm using Skype on Linux. Where can I find images cached by skype of my contact's avatars? Answer I wanted to get those Skype avat...