Saturday 30 December 2017

linux - Why is my SSH login slow?

I'm seeing delays in SSH Logins. Specifically, there are 2 spots where I see a range from instantaneous to multi-second delays.

  1. Between issuing the ssh command and getting a login prompt and

  2. between entering the passphrase and having the shell load

Now, specifically I'm looking at ssh details only here. Obviously network latency, speed of the hardware and OSes involved, complex login scripts, etc can cause delays. For context I ssh to a vast multitude of linux distributions and some Solaris hosts using mostly Ubuntu, CentOS, and MacOS X as my client systems. Almost all of the time, the ssh server configuration is unchanged from the OS's default settings.

What ssh server configurations should I be interested in? Are there OS/kernel parameters that can be tuned? Login shell tricks? Etc?


Try setting UseDNS to no in /etc/sshd_config or /etc/ssh/sshd_config.

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