Sunday 24 December 2017

linux - Continue process after closing terminal?

Possible Duplicate:
Leave bash script running on remote terminal while not logged in?

Recently, I tried to unzip a 30 gig zip file on a remote system using Putty. As the long unzipping process continued, I closed Putty, assuming that the process would just continue to run on the remote machine.

When I came back later and logged back into the machine again, I realized that the process must have stopped only part way through when I closed Putty. I wasn't expecting that to happen.

My question is, how do I prevent this problem? Can I somehow fire off a process in the background? Or should just setup a one time cronjob that will run the process for me?


nohup or disown (in bash) will allow a process or job to continue in the background after the controlling shell has been killed.

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