Saturday 30 December 2017

boot - Grub "no such device" error does not correspond to config

GRUB is failing to boot. BIOS tries to boot the second hard drive first (in Legacy Mode, and the first hard drive is Windows) but this yields a no such device: cfb69400... error.

The given id does not appear in grub.cfg or in the output of blkid -o full -s UUID.

grub-install /dev/sdb reports no errors. Grub was mistakenly installed on /dev/sda during an earlier install, and booting from this disk DOES work (using UEFI), but that's not what I need.

I can't understand where this nonexistant hard drive id is coming from, if grub-install worked and grub.cfg doesn't contain it.

How should I proceed? Thanks.

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