Monday 1 January 2018

archiving - Is there an archive tool (that runs on Windows) that I can set the "execute attribute" in an archive file or zip file?

I have a small set of files I develop on Windows but need to extract and run on Linux. One of those files is a script, I'm packaging the files as a zip archive, passing it to my admin, and asking him to manually set the execute attribute on before running it.

Is there an archive tool (that runs on Windows) that I can set the "execute attribute" in the archive or zip file itself? (So when it is extracted on Linux the script will execute without manual steps.)


As far as I know, there is no such tool, unless you use Cygwin on Windows, a Linux-like environment for Windows.

Your other options are:

  • Create an unpack script for your zip that will set the execute permission

  • Use a version management system to transfer files, rather than zip

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