Saturday 27 January 2018

Remove the Browser ballot app from Windows 8

I made the mistake of installing the browser choice app/update on one of my PCs and now, it cannot be uninstalled. I cannot uninstall the update and I can't even uninstall the "Metro" app it installs.

I have found this tutorial for Windows 7 online but I haven't found any feedback to tell if it really works:

To uninstall KB 976002:

  1. Go to C:\Windows\Servicing\Packages

  2. Find the two .mum files relating to KB 976002

  3. Take ownership of them, give yourself full control

  4. Open Control Panel, programs, Installed Updates

  5. Find KB 976002 and right click, Uninstall is not available. Important: Do not close this window, to avoid re-verification of the checksum of the .mum files.

  6. Go back to the two .mum files for 976002. Edit them both with notepad, change Permanance=”Permanent” to Permanence=”Removable”

  7. Go back to the Installed updates list, hit F5, right click KB 976002. Uninstall is now available.

  8. Uninstall the update (if you want to be double-careful, monitor with sysinternals process monitor).

  9. Reinstate the two keys which the uninstall removes [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRunOnce] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRunOnceEx]

  10. Reboot the PC

  11. Run the 947821 update to verify the component store

  12. Go to WU, check for updates, hide the 976002 update

Also I cannot find any related .mum files.

Does anybody know which mum files I should edit, if this method makes sense. Or does anybody have an alternative way of removing the update?

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