Monday 29 January 2018

When did System Restore stop affecting Windows Updates?

Recently, I allowed Windows Update to install what it said were important updates. Immediately after the update, programs that were working fine just before the update were no longer working, crashing on startup every time.

I did a System Restore to a little while (hours) before the Windows Updates and restarted; System Restore reported that it had successfully restored to that selected restore point. However, the programs were still consistently crashing on startup. Opening Windows Update, it said that no important updates were available, Windows was up to date, and showed the update history including those that I thought would have been rolled back, especially looking at the accepted answer to this question. Right-clicking on anything in the update history, I can only View Details or Copy Details, but not roll back the change. So, those important programs just don't work any more (until such time as an update for the program is available) and I've learned my lesson about installing Windows Updates.

When did this behavior change, that System Restore no longer rolls back Windows Updates?

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