Tuesday 30 January 2018

On Windows XP - Change monitor resolution based on which user is logged in?

In Windows XP Professional, each of our family members are listed as icons at startup. Is there a way to have the system change the monitor resolution based on the family member? For example, if 'Dad' is clicked have it render 1028 x 768, if 'Mom' logs in have the monitor resolution set to 800 x 600. If 'Boy' logs in have the resolution set to 1280×1024 etc...


I found this program : "XP Keep per User Display Settings". I quote:

The program is launched for each and every user -- don't worry, it's rather small -- and monitors the following events:

  • switching among active users

  • users logging off

Each time such an event occurs the current user's display settings are saved in that user's part of the registry.
Conversely, each time a user logs in or becomes active, his/her saved settings are restored.

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