Monday 1 January 2018

vagrant - how to ssh to a VirtualBox machine?

I have an existing Virtualbox machine which i created through veewee called say precise64.
I can login via the Virtualbox GUI, i could export the box and use it with vagrant to create a new machine called say chef. Vagrant also setup ssh and networking on the machine chef.

But i cannot setup ssh for the first machine i created precise64. I created a new Host-only network and a host only network. The ssh forwording rules were already set. But ssh still does not work. I did not look the source code for veewee but i looked at the source code for Vagrant and it calls VBoxManage hostonlyif to create the network but VBoxManage showvminfo does not show the ip-address for the machine chef.

I a bit lost at this point. A step-by-step tutorial on how to add SSH-login to an existing Virtualbox machine would be helpful ? assuming that more than one machines already esist and they have different IP-addresses

Also can veewee create the hostonly networking like vagrant does when bringing up a new machine ?


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