Friday 26 January 2018

download - Downloading VS 2008 from Dreamspark over multiple sessions

Courtesy of Microsoft Dreamspark, I now have a valid license for Visual Studio 2008 Professional. However, it is a 3GB+ download, and my connection has a 1 meg speed. I can't leave anything long enough to download it all in one go, and resuming the download (with either the on-site download manager (won't resume on IE8, won't even start on Firefox 3), or firefox's native downloads) doesn't work. Which leaves me with a license, but no program.

Is there any other way to download the program over multiple sessions? ATM if that isn't possible, I'm consider torrenting it, and then using the dreamspark provided key, but would that still count as a legal copy as far as updates, etc go?


I quote from an article by the University of Texas: "Microsoft DreamSpark - Purchasing", which says towards the end:

Click the Download button marked Download Manager.

On campus — Periodically use the Pause button to suspend your download to ensure that you do not use your entire bandwidth quota. When paused, you can use the Exit button to quit the Download Manager. The Download Manager will place a link on your desktop that you can use to resume your download.

I'm not a user of DreamSpark, so I don't know which Download Manager is referred here. But I suggest that you access the site via internet explorer, to let Microsoft use its own download manager, and try out if the Pause/Exit mechanism that is suggested here does work for you. If it does, use it periodically.

Edit: Found this:

If you RESUME the download using the icon on your desktop, it's likely to FAIL and DESTROY the part of the file you've already got... But if you go back to DreamSpark and download the SAME FILE AGAIN rather than using the desktop link it appears to resume OK.

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