Saturday 2 June 2018

virus - What are the top reasons Macs are much less likely to get viruses/worms/trojans?

I ask in seriousness. Please do not post answers like, "because Windows sucks!"

Why do Macs pretty much never get viruses/worms/trojans, in comparison to Windows? Is one reason the rwx permission implementation, where that I must explicitly grant a program execute permission to run?

What would be another reason?


Less market share means less attackers looking for vulnerable machines.

A stronger operating system means less vulnerabilities.

The way the operating system is laid out malicious programs have to find other ways around security protocals. Windows is very safe if you run it as a normal user. Run as an administrator and you will have issues.

Using sudo to elevate permissions on a case by case basis denies many malicious programs the opportunity to run in the first place, let along gain permission to cause damage.

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