Thursday 28 June 2018

bios - What does a TPM error message when booting mean?

I have a Gateway MT6728 laptop I was given to have, if I could fix it.

When the computer boots, it displays the message: No TPM or TPM has problem. Allegedly, this problem occurred after browsing to a video on YouTube. Regardless, the OS will not boot and the BIOS seemingly fails to boot as well.

Does anyone know what this means, and how to fix it?


Edit as I missed the will not boot part-

I think this is a bog standard Windows will not load error. If you have Vista or 7, try inserting the CD, going to repair and doing a startup repair.

If this is XP, go to recovery console and type the following

chkdsk /R

If these methods do not work, start a new question asking for specific help of repairing Windows, however it may be quicker just to reinstall.

Regarding TPM-

I get this on my laptop as well.

It is nothing to worry about, it simply means your laptop's BIOS supports TPM and your laptop does not have one.

It has either always been there and gone un-noticed, or the BIOS was recently updated to a version that supports TPM and it is alerting you now that it knows it doesn't have one.

TPM is used for encryption amongst other activities, if you do not know what it is, the chances are you do not need it.

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