Thursday 28 June 2018

microsoft excel - Run formula from different sheet

Can you run formulas from different sheets? (not simply showing the formula as a string/static text)

Say I type


where in that cell I have a formula


Here's what I want to see as a result


But instead of this, I get the same =concatenate(ice&cream) function as a text string.

In my particular case the concatenate function creates an IMPORTXML formula from these 3 columns:

Column 1 (B5):


Column 2 (C5):


Column 3 (D5):


Column 4 (E5):

=CONCATENATE("=", B5, C5, D5)

And returns as a result:

=IMPORTXML(url,"//*/div[2]/div[1]/div/div/div[ 1 ]/div/div/div[1]/h4/a/@href")

which extracts a piece of data from I need the IMPORTXML formula to run and give me the piece of data, not return the same formula as static text.

NOTE: I use Google Sheets so the simpler the answer the better (i.e. no macros or other tools if possible) Thank you

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