Monday, 21 May 2018

macos - Setting up VNC on Mac OS X

I have setup "Remote Management" on a Mac OS X system (running 10.5.8). Trying to connect with a VNC client results in messages like "No supported authentication types" (VineViewer) or "Unknown authType" (Chicken of the VNC).

It's not a firewall issue, since I opened that up. Any suggestions, ideas?

Edit Same issue happens whether I try to connect from the machine itself or from another machine that can ping it.


I think you have to enable Screen Sharing instead of Remote Management, to enable VNC access.

FYI: there's an integrated VNC viewer in OS X:

  1. Open the Finder a

  2. Hit cmd-K or select Connect to Server from the Go Menu in the Menubar.

  3. Enter vnc://ip.of.remote.machine and click connect.

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