Sunday 27 May 2018

Google Chrome looks Dark/Grayed Out?

Has anyone noticed that all of a sudden (as of this morning) that Google Chrome looks different? My Chrome browser looks as if it's grayed out (colors are darker, almost a black-n-white look), and tab titles look lighter than usual, something is def not right, possibly caused by the latest update? Anyone else experiencing this?

I tried uninstalling/re-installing and it didn't work?

If nobody else is experiencing this I'll chalk it up to it being my computer and remove this question....

(All my other browsers work fine)

Chrome Version: Version 32.0.1700.76 m

OS: Windows 7

UPDATE: Downgrading to version 31x fixed all of these problems, I'm guessing it had to do with an incompatibility issue with the chrome update and my current GC driver, as NVIDIA has been acting up lately....

Also note that the rendering of default input elements such as text, dropdown menus, and number inputs are rendering incorrectly, and sometimes you can't even see the content.


enter image description here Screenshots:

what it should look like:

What mine looks like: enter image description here


Have you've gone incognito? It's darker. Here is the main window sitting behind the incognito one to give you the color difference.

To get there click the click the three bars on the right to get this setup menu.

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