Saturday 26 May 2018

macos - How to extract two numbers from two strings and calculate the difference in Bash?

I have a text file which contains (among others) the following lines:


How can I

  • get the 2 lines from this text file (they will always contain }Einleitung resp. }Grundlagen} and

  • extract the 2 page numbers (in this case 27 and 35),

  • calculate the difference 35-27 = 8 and

  • save the difference (8) of the two numbers in a variable

Perhaps with a bash script in Mac OS X?


I do not know if Mac OS X has awk. If it does, this should work:

This should work:

} {
if ($4=="Einleitung")
if ($4=="Grundlagen")
} END {
}' textfile)

How it works:

  • FS="[{}]+" sets the field separator to any combination of curly brackets.

  • $4 refers to the third filed on the line (separated by curly brackets).

  • DIFFERENZ=$(...) evaluates the command ... and stores the ouput in DIFFERENZ.

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