Friday 25 May 2018

Ubuntu: SQLite header / source mismatch (and making SVN use the installed SQLite installation)

I have the annoying SQLite header and source version mismatch problem when trying to run SQLite3 on Ubuntu 13.04. I've done in various orders (and all multiple times):

  • apt-get remove sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev, and reinstallation

  • ldconfig

  • Compiled sqlite from source using the autoconf tar.gz

  • Tried everything I've found on Google...

Yet I can't figure out what's wrong. I've wasted 3 hours of my life on this!

And in fact, why does the following happen:

$ sqlite3
SQLite header and source version mismatch
2010-03-09 19:31:43 4ae453ea7be69018d8c16eb8dabe05617397dc4d
2013-05-20 00:56:22 118a3b35693b134d56ebd780123b7fd6f1497668
$ apt-get remove sqlite3
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Package 'sqlite3' is not installed, so not removed
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

If sqlite3 isn't installed, how can it think there's a mismatch?!


Right, thanks to Aaron, I've now got as far as

$ locate

I've moved them to a temp dir, and now get

$ sqlite3
The program 'sqlite3' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:
sudo apt-get install sqlite3

I did

$ apt-get install sqlite3
$ apt-get install libsqlite3-dev

And STILL get the same mismatch error

And I've removed the spurious sqlite3.h and sqlite3ext.h files that were still around, repeated everything, and still get the issues...


More background: I was trying to install SQLite3 because when I ran any SVN command, I got an error:

E200029: Couldn't perform atomic initialization 
E200030: SQLite compiled for, but running with 3.6.23

I assumed that fixing my install of SQLite would fix that. However, I think the main issue is that Ubuntu 13.04 requires SQLite 3.6.23, and that is the reason why running

apt-get purge libsqlite3-0 

deletes most of Ubuntu (see this related answer for further details).

After lots of headbanging, shouting, and crying, I decided to try to install SVN from source (as opposed to SQLite, which is what I said I'd done in my question). This was actually relatively straightforward, albeit a little time-consuming.


tar xjvf subversion-1.8.1.tar.bz2

I then found out I needed the APR and APR-utils libraries, so:


tar xjvf apr-1.4.8.tar.bz2
cd apr-1.4.8
sudo make install
cd ..
tar xjvf apr-util-1.5.2.tar.bz2
cd apr-util-1.5.2
./configure --with-apr=/usr/local/apr
sudo make install

...and the serf library (I didn't compile with this the 1st time, but this provides http support - without it SVN can only handle file and svn protocols)..:

tar xjvf serf-1.3.0.tar.bz2
scons APR=/usr/local/apr APU=/usr/local/apr
sudo scons install
scons -c

These are the same commands as in the serf README (if scons isn't installed it's available via apt-get).

SVN also wants the SQLite amalgamation .c file, so download the amalagation and untar it for now - I created a ~/sqlite-amalgamation folder and left everything here. You should then be ready to compile svn. Serf should have installed to a standard place, so doesn't need a location specified

sudo ./configure --with-sqlite=/home/chris/sqlite-amalgamation/sqlite3.c --with-apr=/usr/local/apr --with-apr-util=/usr/local/apr --with-serf
sudo make install

and hopefully that's it. I had SVN error of

The working copy needs to be upgraded

but when I tried svn upgrade I got a SVN database error... the only way round it was to checkout a new version into a new location. But, SVN now works!

It doesn't fix the underlying SQLite3 issue, and I still get the same header / source version mismatch error when doing $ sqlite3, but since I don't need to use standalone SQLite at the moment, that problem can wait until another day (or, is it infact something that should be registered as a bug with Ubuntu?)

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