Wednesday 10 January 2018

windows - Map network drive and provide an alias

I am running a batch file that automatically maps a network drive on start up using the "net use" command:

net use d:\\server\share  /user:

This works fine as the result in Windows Explorer shows:

\\server\share (D:)

I would like to give the share a different name though. Is there a way to provide some sort of alias in the net use command for the network mapped drive?


I'm assuming that you want some sort of friendly label on the drive, so rather than saying "\\server\share," it says "Sales Reports" or whatever is in the share. Here's how you do it.

set driveUNC=\\server.domain.local\ShareName

REM Map the network drive.
net use * %driveUNC%

REM Alter the string a bit to come up with the registry key name.
set driveUNC=%driveUNC:\=#%

REM Change the drive's label in the registry.
REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MountPoints2\%driveUNC%" /v "_LabelFromDesktopINI" /t REG_SZ /d "Drive Label Goes Here" /f

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