Sunday 24 September 2017

Excel formula to show FORMULA

Ok, guys. I am 100% sure that a few days ago I saw and tested a real built-in Excel formula for showing a formula as text in any cell. Now, when I need it, I cannot find it!!! No VBA, no tricks. Just a simple formula! I think I used it on my home PC, where I have Office 2013. At work I have Office 2010, so I cannot find it. It might be a new feature of Office 2013. The worst thing is that I cannot find it on internet... I saw SHOWFORMULA(). Is that a valid formula? Because It does not work for Excel 2010.


You are correct, Excel 2013 has the FORMULATEXT function which shows the formula as text.

Since Excel 2010 does not have this feature, there are a couple ways you can show formulas without VBA;

  1. By pressing Ctrl + ` (that's the tilde key above the Tab). This one shows all formulas in the sheet.

  2. You can place a space it the cell before the =. This causes Excel to treat the cell as text.

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