Tuesday 18 December 2018

networking - connecting virtual machines in workstation to desired vmnet out of 3 vmnets

I am having three vmnets in VMware workstation. vmnet0 vmnet1 vmnet8 VMnet0 is bridged/automatic I tried playing with it changing lan card assigned to it. vmnet0 having multiple lan cards to connect

Now following is configuration of vmnet0 at the time of writing this question vmnet0

and vmnet8 is vmnet8 NAT sharing host IP with VMs

The virtual machine IP address is Windows IP Configuration in Virtual Machine

Ethernet adapter Ethernet0:
Connection-specific DNS Suffix . : localdomain
Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : ffff::ffff:fe6f:c3a4:ae3e%12
IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :

This is in range 192.168.152.X this is in vmnet8 so this virtual machine is connected to vmnet8 The setting here which I understand is that virtual machine is connected to vmnet8 which has only one Wifi card that is onboard Realtek adapter which it is showing me as 2 adapters as in screenshot

Realtek RTL8723DE 802.11b/g/n PCI e Adapter
Realtek PCIe GbE Family Controller #2

vmnet8_b only 2 adaptors in VMware

which I think is same LAN card (and is not connected to internet)

Now if I want Virtual machine to be connected to VMnet0 to the bridged LAN Card DLink DWA-131 Wireless Network mode so that I can bridge the Wifi connection to access point via USB Wifi Card. DLink or even If I wish to connect VM to Vmnet0 in NAT it is giving me errors. vmnet0 nat error

I am not able to understand how to connect virtual machines to desired VMnets. i.e. If I want to connect vm to Vmnet0 or vmnet1 or vmnet8 how can I choose desired vmnet.What mistake I am doing here. please guide me to some tutorial which can help me or some link that might have explained this concept better. I am not able to understand how to do bridging for virtual machines to desired vmnet as a result my VMs are not having internet connectivity. I have my internet connectivity in host machine on Wifi2 connection which is my DLink USB Wifi. So I want Virtual machines to be connected to a vmnet0 which is connected to DLink in bridged mode as in vmnet8 I am not having an option to share DLink USB Wifi in bridged mode.

The question is simple how to connect virtual machines to internet using USB Wifi Adaptor which can be seen here in my case in screenshots.

I am not able to get Virtual machines use Vmnet0 because Vmnet0 is where I can see my USB Wifi Card but Dlink is not visible in vmnet1 or vmnet8 as adaptor even though I want to use bridge/NAT on them it should be available there in drop down menu to do NAT or bridge it is not.showing there

VMnet0 can see the mentioned card. What I was trying that vmnet8 should see the card and I do a NAT of virtual machines on vmnet8 and then bridge external USB lan card with vmnet8 using vmnet8 and no involvement of vmnet0 . What my understanding is different different vmnet in virtual machine can segment different virtual.machines in different lan segments then how can I give internet connectivity to my.virtual machines using those vmnet's is the involvement of vmnet0 a necessary condition.Cant this be achieved with a custom vmnet8 only. My understanding is vmnet8 is behaving like a virtual nic which can be connected bridged to external USB wifi device is this understanding wrong?

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