Saturday 1 December 2018

dns - DatabasePath Registry Entry Not Working in Windows 7

I’ve set the HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\DatabasePath registry entry in Windows XP and it works as expected; the system loads and uses the HOSTS file in the directory I’ve pointed it to.

However, in Windows 7, it seems to ignore the entry, but I can find no information relating that it is not supported and/or an alternative way to relocate the HOSTS file in Windows 7. I have confirmed that it is still using the default path (%systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc) by renaming HOSTS to disable it, and renaming it back to re-enable it.

(Yes, I have made sure the directory is correct, made sure it does not include the filename, and made sure that the datatype is correct.(


Got the word from the people at Windows Client TechCenter > Windows 7 IT Pro Forums:

After researching on this, I found that Windows 7 does not support moving hosts file to the other place. You may refer to the following link to use script to copy hosts file to etc folder.

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