Friday 23 March 2018

Windows 8.1 UEFI x64 & Windows XP x64 Dual-Boot

I want to add option to boot in XP into the Win8.1 boot menu.

So I have 2 drives:

  1. On the first one I have installed Windows 8.1 x64 UEFI;

  2. And on the second - Windows XP x64.

Following is what I tried to do:

  • I created a new boot entry from bcdedit tool with the partition where XP is installed & the path where the bootfile is (ntldr) but when I select the option I get the 0xC000007B error (which I believe is saying that this file is invalid).

  • I tried different settings including moving the ntldr file on another partition but nothing changes.

  • Then I tried loading C:\Windows\System32\winload.efi to test if the bootloader is actually doing something and it showed different error(0x00000025 I believe)!

  • I then concluded that only EFI files can be loaded so I tried adding CLOVER EFI but it showed the same message as using the ntldr (0xC000007B).

  • I tried disabling the secure boot from UEFI too if this could help but - nothing.

Here is a BCD configuration screen with the valid partition and ntldr path for WinXP (which doesn't work however):

BCD configuration screen

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