Saturday 31 March 2018

I can subscribe to the RSS feeds for my Google Alerts in Feedly but not in my podcatcher. Why is this?

Here are all of the settings I have chosen for all of my Google Alerts:
sources: automatic
how often: as it happens
language: English
region: any region
how many: only the best results
deliver to: RSS feed

My Feedly client displays text items from my Google Alerts feeds, but my podcatcher--Grover Pro, an app from the Windows Store, running on Windows 10 Pro--gives me the following error message when I try to subscribe to those same feeds: "can't subscribe to feed. This is not a valid feed." I also tried another podcatcher--"Podcasts (beta)", published by David Catuhe, available in the Windows Store--and was not able to subscribe to the feed in that app either.

I would like to be able to read text items from my Google Alerts feeds on or in my third-party Feedly client, and watch video from those same feeds in my podcatcher.


I emailed the developer of the podcatcher app "Grover Pro". In my message, I included my question, and the URI for the RSS feed I tried to subscribe to in Grover Pro, and here is his reply: "So, i can’t say why the other apps can’t read, but my app looks for media file links on the feed so it can reproduce in the app. The feed that you are trying to add have only links to websites and not link to media files, so the app is not able to reproduce any of the provided links." Based on what he said, and on my experience, it seems that RSS feeds for Google Alerts are not formatted as podcast feeds.

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