Saturday 31 March 2018

linux - recover data from a physically damaged hard drive (Windows)

My laptop was recently damaged on the side where the hard drive is located and now I cannot access its Windows partition. I am able to boot into Linux. The hard drive is configured with 2 NTFS partitions - one for the Windows OS and the other for data storage.

Steps I have tried:

  • Mounting the windows partition within Ubuntu. Here I could see my files but it was unable to mount the data partition. It threw an error that it could not recognize the NTFS partition.

  • I attempted to copy the damaged disk onto an external hard drive using the command dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb conv=noerror,sync but progress stopped at 60% and I was still unable to mount the data partition.

  • I am currently trying to backup my files using an utility called Photorec but it is recovering my files in a disorderly way. When it completes, I see the files but they are all mixed up and I not following my original directory structure.


I ran the ddrescue command last night and it seems to be working but it is running far too slow (1KB/s on average).

How can I get my data back?


I tried freezing the hard drive for a few hours but it didn't increase the speed at which the data was being recovered. I don't know what can I do now, sending the hard drive to a store specializing in hard drive data recovery would be really expensive from what I heard. Can anyone give me another homemade solution to recover my disk? Any other program I can use for this purpose? ddrescue is awfully slow... Any help would be really appreciated.

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