Wednesday 28 March 2018

two computers with united CPU and memory resources?

is it possible?:) it wold be interesting, when given cheap chineese netbook and cheap chineese tablet, setup for example ubuntu to both of them, then le wild magic happens and viola - we have one mighty computer with more CPU cores, united RAM and video-card from the tablet:)


Combining different independent computers is possible. The supercomputer Titan, e.g., is composed of 18,688 different nodes; each node has its own CPU, GPU and RAM.

The problem lies in the specific details of le wild magic. You need a distributed operating system (Titan uses UNICOS) and – as far as I know – there are no desktop versions.

But suppose you have a distributed OS in some popular Linux flavor and you actually combine the computing power of a netbook and a tablet. What have you gained?

Two slow CPUs won't be much faster than one for most tasks, since most actions you can perform with a netbook aren't very parallelizable. The system memory of each device will only be available to that CPU (making two 4 core CPUs very different from one 8 core CPU). You're also going to be able to use only one GPU for video output.

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