Saturday 31 March 2018

Most painless way to restore Windows 7 bootloader?

What is the most painless way to restore the Windows 7 bootloader without a Windows DVD?


I believe EasyBCD can do this, but to do it manually you can do the following:

  1. Copy bootmgr to the root of your volume (probably C:\).

  2. Run bootsect /nt60 /mbr /sys (I hope I got the command-line right)

I'm not sure where I found bootsect -- it might have been in C:\Boot, or it might have been in the Windows AIK or on the Windows CD. You'll have to search for it.

usb - Windows: Changing an External Hard Drive's Drive Letter

I'm trying to resolve a file path error problem with TortoiseSVN in this question on Stack Overflow. One of the answers suggested trying to change the drive letter of my external hard drive. How can I change the drive letter for a USB device?


I actually put this on SO for you :)

But here goes again: You can use Window's Disk Management Utility. Just right-click the drive and change Drive Letter IIRC.

linux - recover data from a physically damaged hard drive (Windows)

My laptop was recently damaged on the side where the hard drive is located and now I cannot access its Windows partition. I am able to boot into Linux. The hard drive is configured with 2 NTFS partitions - one for the Windows OS and the other for data storage.

Steps I have tried:

  • Mounting the windows partition within Ubuntu. Here I could see my files but it was unable to mount the data partition. It threw an error that it could not recognize the NTFS partition.

  • I attempted to copy the damaged disk onto an external hard drive using the command dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb conv=noerror,sync but progress stopped at 60% and I was still unable to mount the data partition.

  • I am currently trying to backup my files using an utility called Photorec but it is recovering my files in a disorderly way. When it completes, I see the files but they are all mixed up and I not following my original directory structure.


I ran the ddrescue command last night and it seems to be working but it is running far too slow (1KB/s on average).

How can I get my data back?


I tried freezing the hard drive for a few hours but it didn't increase the speed at which the data was being recovered. I don't know what can I do now, sending the hard drive to a store specializing in hard drive data recovery would be really expensive from what I heard. Can anyone give me another homemade solution to recover my disk? Any other program I can use for this purpose? ddrescue is awfully slow... Any help would be really appreciated.

slackware - The fan won't slow down on my Dell Optiplex 760

I have a new Optiplex 760 running Slackware v13 (x64). The power supply fan comes full on when I turn on the box and never slows down. I'm expect it to slow down after it senses the load/heat, but it never does.

This PC runs the latest Intel chipset (1Ch10).

I've loaded the kubuntu 9.04 live cd and had the same problem. Could there be a bad sensor some where or do I have a config problem.



I've got good news and bad news... The good news is you're not the only person having problems with Dell PSU fans and THERE IS A FIX. We recently purchased a few dozen Dell 760s and three of them had loud (high RPM) PSU fans. The bad news is Dell had to send a tech to replace all the PSUs with this problem.

I hope this helps!

clipboard - Prevent Word from Including Bullet Letter when Copying Text

I'm copying quite a bit of text from Word into a text-based application, line by line. The word text is structured like this:

  1. Topic

    a. Item A

    b. Item B

When I highlight Item A, copy, and then paste into the text-based application, I get a. Item A rather than just Item A as desired.

How can I prevent Word from including the bullet letter when copying?


The only way I can see that you could avoid include the numbering is to turn it off prior to copy.

Word Numbers icon

Word will generally include as much information as it can in the copy, and it is up to the recieving application to extract what information it can use.

windows 7 - Is there a way to disable IPv6 in Google's Chrome?

I'm developing websites in a Windows 7 machine.

When I've installed Firefox I've found some performance issue specially on connecting to the localhost, googling around I've discovered that it's related to the use of IPv6 by the browser to resolve urls.

Using about: config and setting network.dns.disableIPv6 to true the problem is gone.

Now I've the same issue with Google Chrome, but I can't find a way (if there's a way) to do the same I've done with Firefox.

Any suggestions?



Edit your "hosts" file on your computer to make sure there is an ipv4 style localhost entry there. Go to:


Make sure there is a line that looks like       localhost

And make sure the line with the ipv6 style is commented out (with #)

#   ::1             localhost

You'll have to run your editor w/ admin mode to be able to save the changes. I had this problem before and this change fixed it for me. It doesn't disable ipv6 on your computer, it just tells it to use ipv4 for localhost lookups.

partitioning - My Hard Drive has been Mysteriously Overwritten by Two Bad Partitions

I have a problem - sometime yesterday, my hard drive appears to have been overwritten by something and then re-partitioned multiple times. enter image description here

Disk 0 is the affected drive; it used to be my Disk E:, and it stored all my personal files, but it was not my boot drive for Windows 10. I have the most important of these backed up, and with TestDisk I can recover the data from the old partition, but I I'd like to get the whole partition back if possible and prevent this from happening in the future.

I have no idea how this could happen, but I can list off recent things I did to the PC, in this order:

  1. Switched to Preview or Insider edition of Windows 10, to get Ubuntu bash running on my system.

  2. Windows 10 did some kind of system-wide upgrade; I think the Anniversary Edition?

  3. I installed Origin and the Battlefield 1 Beta on that drive.

SMART reports the drive is fine. The change happened at some point while the computer was up and running; the E drive just quietly was repartitioned and is now unreadable to Windows.

enter image description here

How can I go about attempting to repair and/or prevent this from happening to another of my drives? Should I attempt to mount the drive in a liveCD environment that can read linux FSes? I can find the old FS using TestDisk and recover files off of the partition, but because the partition type TestDisk autodetected was "none" I can't seem to restore my old (NTFS) partition.

Please help! Let me know if you need to know anything else about my system or the event.

webserver - How do I get Apache to follow symlinks?

In my apache www folder (/var/www on ubuntu 10.10) I have:

mydir -> /home/user/mydir

(that I created with ln -s)

Now, if I want to see a listing of the files in mydir from the web, I have to give apache the directive FollowSymLinks, right?

But where do I put it? In a .htaccess file? Where? I tried many ways but I don't understand it...

This is my /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default file:

ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost

DocumentRoot /var/www

Options FollowSymLinks Indexes
AllowOverride None

Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
allow from all

ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/lib/cgi-bin/

AllowOverride None
Options +ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log

# Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit,
# alert, emerg.
LogLevel warn

CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined

Alias /doc/ "/usr/share/doc/"

Options Indexes MultiViews FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from ::1/128

Alias /downloads/ "/root/mydir/"

Options Indexes MultiViews FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all


There are two things here:

  1. symlinks

  2. directory listing


Assuming /var/www is your DocumentRoot for your default virtual host, you should find your default virtual host configuration file (probably /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default) and put it inside that virtual host block, e.g.

ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost

DocumentRoot /var/www

Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None

If you haven't changed anything, that option should already be there.

directory listing

To make Apache list the files in a directory, you need to enable the Indexes option too, e.g. change

Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None

in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default to:

Options FollowSymLinks Indexes
AllowOverride None

Or, perhaps a more secure way is to change it to:

Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride Indexes

and put this in /home/user/mydir/.htaccess.

    Option Indexes

why .htaccess doesn't work

By default, putting Options in an .htaccess file won't work because of the other entry in your config file: AllowOverride None.

That's why we have to put AllowOverride Indexes there.

(AllowOverride documentation)

windows - 3 Monitors on Sapphire Radeon HD 6870

I've got a decent machine, 8 GB RAM, good motherboard etc and an Radeon HD6870 GC. I'm desperately trying to run three monitors on the card. The card has 1 HDMI, 2 DVI and 2 Mini DisplayPorts. The set up is as follows:

  • Monitor 1 is connected via the DVI cable.

  • Monitor 2 is connected via a DVI to HDMI lead into the HDMI slot.

  • Monitor 3 is connected via a DVI lead into a DVI to Mini DisplayPort adapter.

Now, in Ubuntu, I have no problems whatsoever, they all work completely fine as extended desktops. Windows is seeing none of this. I've got the Catalyst Control Centre, and I tried setting up an Eyefinity group, but I can only ever have 2 enabled at once.


I set up an Eyefinity triple monitor setup just recently but with a 6950 card. The 6870 should also be capable of 3 displays

To get it to work I plugged in the monitors and had to hit the 'detect' button inside of the screen resolution settings to get them all recognised. Initially I just tried extending the desktop to all of them, but then I went into the Catalyst Control Center and made the EyeFinity group.

If you are having problems getting all 3 monitors working you could try these tests:

  1. Plug in each monitor one at a time, each using a different connector, verify that all screens, connectors work (Even if this worked in Ubuntu, it's nice to check on Windows)

  2. Start with one monitor connected, and while Windows is running, plug in each monitor. Detect the added monitor if necessary and continue until you have (hopefully) all 3 working.

  3. Double check that you have the latest version of the catalyst control center. The latest one (Assuming you have 64bit windows because you have 8GB of RAM) is 12.2

networking - Unidentified network: How to configure TCP/IPv4 for Windows 7?

When I try to connect to internet I keep getting the error Unidentified network. I've tried numerous attempts at restoring access without success.

IP release, flushing DNS cache, reinstalling NIC, reactivating NIC, resetting router and so on...

I've read several times that it's my default gateway that's wrong. Currently I've had automatic IP/DNS configuration set without any problems, and then it stopped working for some reason.

Anyone know how I specify the IP? My subnet mask is, default gateway is but I have no idea how to determine what IP I should set.

I use a D-Link DIR-655 and other computers on the network have IPs like, next is

(I'm completely lost and am trying to cool down after two weekends of debugging filled with despair.)


You should have turned off IPv6 for all adapters as first step.

Other repair commands that you can try are :

netsh int ip reset c:\resetlog.txt   (reset TCP/IP stack)
netsh winsock reset c:\winsock.txt (reset winsock)

Another possible issue is that the routing table contains a phantom default route to a non-existent network interface card. The solution is to use the Command Prompt as Administrator and remove all default routes:

route delete

then renew the DHCP lease by running ipconfig /renew to recreate the correct route.
Check your routes by using the command route print.

Last possibility is to regard in regedit the key
and do :

  1. If you have an entry "DefaultGatewayMetric" and the information is blank, delete that key

  2. If you have an entry "DefaultGateway" and the information is blank, delete this key as well

  3. Change the "DhcpConnForceBroadcastFlag" entry from 0 to 1

I suggest creating a system restore-point before doing these manipulations.

I can subscribe to the RSS feeds for my Google Alerts in Feedly but not in my podcatcher. Why is this?

Here are all of the settings I have chosen for all of my Google Alerts:
sources: automatic
how often: as it happens
language: English
region: any region
how many: only the best results
deliver to: RSS feed

My Feedly client displays text items from my Google Alerts feeds, but my podcatcher--Grover Pro, an app from the Windows Store, running on Windows 10 Pro--gives me the following error message when I try to subscribe to those same feeds: "can't subscribe to feed. This is not a valid feed." I also tried another podcatcher--"Podcasts (beta)", published by David Catuhe, available in the Windows Store--and was not able to subscribe to the feed in that app either.

I would like to be able to read text items from my Google Alerts feeds on or in my third-party Feedly client, and watch video from those same feeds in my podcatcher.


I emailed the developer of the podcatcher app "Grover Pro". In my message, I included my question, and the URI for the RSS feed I tried to subscribe to in Grover Pro, and here is his reply: "So, i can’t say why the other apps can’t read, but my app looks for media file links on the feed so it can reproduce in the app. The feed that you are trying to add have only links to websites and not link to media files, so the app is not able to reproduce any of the provided links." Based on what he said, and on my experience, it seems that RSS feeds for Google Alerts are not formatted as podcast feeds.

Performance issues when using SSD for a developer notebook (WAMP/LAMP stack)?

I'm a web application developer using my notebook as a standalone development environment (WAMP stack). I just switched from a Core2 Duo Vista 32-bit notebook with 2GB RAM and SATA HDD, to an i5-2520M Windows 7 64-bit with 4GB RAM and 128 GB SSD (Corsair P3 128).

My initial experience was what I expected, fast boot, quick load of all the applications (Eclipse now takes 5 seconds as opposed to 30 seconds on my old notebook), overall great experience. Then I started to build up my development stack, both as LAMP (using VirtualBox with a Debian guest) and WAMP (Windows native Apache + MySQL + PHP). I wanted to compare those two.

This still all worked great out, then I started to pull in my projects to these stacks. And here came the nasty surprise, one of those projects produced a lot worse response times than on my old notebook (that was true for both the VirtualBox and WAMP stack). Apache, PHP and MySQL configurations were practically identical in all environments. I started to do a lot of benchmarking and profiling, and here is what I've found:

  1. All general benchmarks (Performance Test 7.0, HDTune Pro, wPrime2 and some more) gave a big advantage to the new notebook. Nothing surprising here. Disc specific tests showed that read/write operations peaked around 380M/160M for the SSD, and all the different sized block operations also performed very well.

  2. Started Apache performance benchmarking with Apache Benchmark for a small static HTML file (10 concurrent threads, 500 iterations).

    • Old notebook: min 47ms, median 111ms, max 156ms

    • New WAMP stack: min 71ms, median 135ms, max 296ms

    • New LAMP stack (in VirtualBox): min 6ms, median 46ms, max 175ms

    Right here I don't get why the native WAMP stack performed so bad, but at least the LAMP environment brought the expected speed.

  3. Apache performance measurement for non-cached PHP content. The PHP runs a loop of 1000 and generates sha1(uniqid()) inisde. Again, 10 concurrent threads, 500 iterations were used for the benchmark.

    • Old notebook: min 0ms, median 39ms, max 218ms

    • New WAMP stack: min 20ms, median 61ms, max 186ms

    • New LAMP stack (in VirtualBox): min 124ms, median 704ms, max 2463ms

    What the hell? The new LAMP performed miserably, and even the new native WAMP was outperformed by the old notebook.

  4. PHP + MySQL test. The test consists of connecting to a database and reading a single record form a table using INNER JOIN on 3 more (indexed) tables, repeated 100 times within a loop. Databases were identical. 10 concurrent threads, 100 iterations were used for the benchmark.

    • Old notebook: min 1201ms, median 1734ms, max 3728ms

    • New WAMP stack: min 367ms, median 675ms, max 1893ms

    • New LAMP stack (in VirtualBox): min 1410ms, median 3659ms, max 5045ms

    And the same test with concurrency set to 1 (instead of 10):

    • Old notebook: min 1201ms, median 1261ms, max 1357ms

    • New WAMP stack: min 399ms, median 483ms, max 539ms

    • New LAMP stack (in VirtualBox): min 285ms, median 348ms, max 444ms

    Strictly for my purposes, as I'm using a self-contained development environment (= low concurrency) I could be satisfied with the second test's result. Though I have no idea why the VirtualBox environment performed so bad with higher concurrency.

  5. Finally I performed a test of including many php files. The application that I mentioned at the beginning, the one that was performing so bad, has a heavy bootstrap, loads hundreds of small library and configuration files while initializing. So this test does nothing else just includes about 100 files. Concurrency set to 1, 100 iterations:

    • Old notebook: min 140ms, median 168ms, max 406ms

    • New WAMP stack: min 434ms, median 488ms, max 604ms

    • New LAMP stack (in VirtualBox): min 413ms, median 1040ms, max 1921ms

    Even if I consider that VirtualBox reached those files via shared folders, and that slows things down a bit, I still don't see how could the old notebook outperform so heavily both new configurations. And I think this is the real root of the slow performance, as the application uses even more includes, and the whole bootstrap will occur several times within a page request (for each AJAX call, for example).

To sum it up, here I am with a brand new high-performance notebook that loads the same page in 20 seconds that my old notebook can do in 5-7 seconds. Needless to say, I'm not a very happy person right now.

Why do you think I experience these poor performance values? What are my options to remedy this situation?

It seems like I finally found the root of the problem, apparently SSDs may suffer performance degradation when used in laptops having Intel HM55 or PM55 chipsets. Please see my own full answer below.


After a long week of struggling with settings for better performance, I finally found some tweaks that gave the expected results. (This is a Fujitsu LIFEBOOK S751 notebook with Intel HM65 chipset and BIOS based on Phoenix TrustedCore Notebook)

In BIOS, under Advanced / Miscellaneous settings, Hardware Power Management section, there were two configuration options for

  • CPU power saving on idle state (AC)

  • CPU power saving on idle state (Battery)

The first one was set to "Energy Saving", the second one for "Long Battery Life". I set both to normal, and lo and behold, I got a magnitude better reply times on all my test cases.

Apparently others have run into this issue as well:

Quoting from this thread:

According to benchmarks run by several members it seems that laptops with Intel HM55 and PM55 can not take full advantage of fast SSDs. These chipsets are very common in modern notebooks. The performance hit is especially visible in 4K random read and write performance. The problems seem to be caused by an agressive implementation of power saving features...

Of course now the fan keeps spinning up at every 5 seconds or so, which is quite annoying, but at least I'm able to do my job.

Friday 30 March 2018

dvi - using HDMI out to serve multiple monitors

I have a Sony Viao laptop (VPCF1) with a single VGA out and a single HDMI out. I'd like to use the laptop in a "docking station" configuration with two DFP monitors and the laptop screen closed.

I bought an HDMI -> 2 DVI splitter, but it appears that the NVidia driver software can't detect the two DFP monitors attached-- it shows the same image on all three screens, and I can't find any way to make it treat the DFP as a separate monitor.

Am I out of luck here, or is it possible to run two digital displays (in a sort of twinview) configuration using a single HDMI out (ignoring the laptop display)?



The splitter you have is a simple mirroring splitter, its just dumbly sending the same signal to both displays. it is not a dual monitor adapter. AFAIK, there is no way to run two, independent displays from a single HDMI connector. Depending on the VAIO's capabilities, you may be able to run one display via HDMI and one display via analog. But you're not going to be able to run two digital displays from one HDMI.

home server - Are eSATA drives hot swappable?

I'm going to build a low power home server and I've been thinking about using some external eSATA enclosures so I can have external drives that I can add and remove from the server every now and then for backup purposes.

But I've never dealt with a eSATA drive before and I'm wondering how it works as far as plugging/unplugging goes... I've seen that eSATA drives are typically just plugged into a eSATA card that basically serves as a pass-thru to the SATA drives on your MB. So can one simply unplug and plugin a eSATA drive like they could a USB or Firewire drive? Or does the PC need to be shutdown first, just as if you were plugging/unplugging an internal SATA drive?


Your SATA controller (probably integrated in the motherboard) may or may not support this feature. It's likely if you're dealing with a new motherboard that it does. Basically, older motherboards supported something call IDE emulation rather than using native SATA Advanced Host Controller Interface (which does support hot-swapping).

From the Wikipedia article on SATA:

All SATA devices support hotplugging. However, proper hotplug support requires the device be running in its native command mode not via IDE emulation, which requires AHCI (Advanced Host Controller Interface). Some of the earliest SATA host adapters were not capable of this and furthermore some older operating systems, such as Windows XP, do not directly support AHCI.


While the drivers included with Windows XP do not support AHCI, AHCI has been implemented by proprietary device drivers.

networking - renaming network interface with systemd

I want to rename on Fedora 22 a network interface managed by systemd-networkd (version 219) from the system-assigned name enp2s0 into wan. For that I created the following file /etc/systemd/network/


However, that have no effect on the system. After rebooting the name is still enp2s0. I see with udevadm that udev picked up the file for configuration but ignored the supplied name:

~> udevadm info /sys/class/net/enp2s0 
P: /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1c.1/0000:02:00.0/net/enp2s0
E: DEVPATH=/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1c.1/0000:02:00.0/net/enp2s0
E: ID_BUS=pci
E: ID_MODEL_FROM_DATABASE=RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller
E: ID_MODEL_ID=0x8168
E: ID_NET_LINK_FILE=/etc/systemd/network/
E: ID_NET_NAME_MAC=enxMacAddress
E: ID_PATH=pci-0000:02:00.0
E: ID_PATH_TAG=pci-0000_02_00_0
E: ID_PCI_CLASS_FROM_DATABASE=Network controller
E: ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE=Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.
E: ID_VENDOR_ID=0x10ec
E: SYSTEMD_ALIAS=/sys/subsystem/net/devices/enp2s0
E: TAGS=:systemd:

Also there is no mentioning of the new name wan in any logs even after activating udev debugging output. What I am doing wrong?


At least on Debian stretch, it seems like you need to update-initramfs -u && reboot for *.link files in /etc/systemd/network/ to take effect for existing interfaces.

It seems like the network interfaces get renamed very early during boot from within the initramfs, before the *.link files in /etc/systemd/network are available... and once the interface has been renamed once (/sys/class/net/*/name_assign_type=4), then the the udev-builtin-net_setup_link will no longer emit ID_NET_NAME because should_rename returns false.

windows 7 - Unlocker howto?! doesn't do anything

in an answer to a previous question another user recommended a tool to me, Unlocker. Its original homepage is offline, but there are plenty of websites which offer version 1.9.0 which I downloaded from 2 places, compared the filesize, it was identical, and installed it, then rebooted, but it does not do anything except that there's a new icon in the tray.

There are no new menu items in the Windows Explorer's context menu nor does anything happen when I send any element to Unlocker using the "send-to" menu. It created two shortcuts in the start menu, "Start Unlocker" and "Start Unlocker Assistant" which also both don't do anything. Any suggestions?


you should get it off the creator's page instead.

1.9.2, for both 32 and 64 bit windows. you'll want to click the "Download Unlocker 1.9.2 - 32 and 64 bit version" link.

be sure to use advanced during installation and disable the delta toolbar that's bundled with it. you don't want that.

microsoft excel - Break up a large CSV file

I have a large CSV file (about 6,000 rows) that I want to break up into smaller CSV files (about 100 rows each). Is there an easy way to do that?


CSV Splitter is a handy tool that allows you to define the number of lines and maximum pieces of output files. It will split the CSV file according to what you have defined.

alt text

1. Fill in necessary information:

  • CSV file: the path to the CSV that you wanted to split.

  • Number of lines: the maximum number of lines/rows in each splitted piece (100 in your case).

  • Max Pieces: limit the number of output files. '0' is unlimited.

2. Click Split Now! and that's it.

You will find the splitted pieces in a new folder of the same directory of the CSV file. By default, a folder {csv file name}_Pieces will be created and all of the output files will be stored under this folder. The output file format will be named as {csv file name}_1.csv, {csv file name}_2.csv, {csv file name}_3.csv and so on.

Thursday 29 March 2018

create a script on a windows box that retrieves data from the Linux box by executing cmds

How can i create a script on a windows box that retrieves data from the Linux box by executing cmds against the remote Linux box?

I have got putty and Plink on the win box but not sure how to fire the cmds from a script eg a bat file and get the results written back to a txt file on the win box.

Any ideas how i would do this for something simple like a grep or LS cmd for example?

macos - Is there a way to restore to previous version in Mac OS X after installing the update?

In my Mac OSX I recently updated my Mac from 10.6.5 to 10.6.6.

After I installed the 10.6.6 version, I get error in Finder as below:

The application Finder can't be opened

Just around a minute after restarting my Mac everytime I get the error from Finder and then everthing stops working.

I have lots of important data in my Mac but now I cant take a backup of it as Finder stops working.

So, Is there a way in Mac where I can revert back to 10.6.5 version?

What are my options?

Please Help and Suggest



There's no way to "downgrade" to an earlier version.

Install a full 10.6.x from DVD and use the 10.6.5 combo updater afterwards.

openoffice writer - Using search and replace to remove line breaks in Open Office

I've imported a document into Open Office and it has a number of hard returns in wrong places. In MS Word, I could use the search and replace to simply get rid of them all easily, but Open Office's search won't find them. I tried /n with the 'use regular expressions' box checked, but it seems that only looks for 'shift-enter' breaks and not ordinary hard returns. Is there another way to remove them all quickly, or do I have to go manually through the document and remove each one individually. This is a surprising oversight for Open Office.


Find & Replace in Writer can only search within a paragraph, but cannot search across a paragraph break.

You might give a try to the extension Alternative dialog Find & Replace for Writer by Tomas Bilek, which is reported as capable of searching across paragraphs.

browser - Why do some downloading files not know their own size?

Occasionally, when downloading a file in a web browser, the download progress doesn't "know" the total size of the file, or how far along in the download it is -- it just shows the speed at which it's downloading, with a total as "Unknown".

Why wouldn't the browser know the final size of some files? Where does it get this information in the first place?


To request documents from web servers, browsers use the HTTP protocol. You may know that name from your address bar (it may be hidden now, but when you click the address bar, copy the URL and paste it in some text editor, you'll see http:// at the beginning). HTTP is a simple text-based protocol. It works like this:

First, your browser connects to the website's server and sends a URL of the document it wants to download (web pages are documents, too) and some details about the browser itself (User-Agent etc). For example, to load the main page on the SuperUser site,, my browser sends a request that looks like this:

GET / HTTP/1.1
Connection: keep-alive
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/29.0.1547.0 Safari/537.36
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate,sdch
Accept-Language: pl-PL,pl;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.6,en;q=0.4
Cookie: [removed for security]
DNT: 1
If-Modified-Since: Tue, 09 Jul 2013 07:14:17 GMT

The first line specifies which document the server should return. The other lines are called headers; they look like this:

Header name: Header value

These lines send additional information that helps the server decide what to do.

If all is well, the server will respond by sending the requested document. The response starts off with a status message, followed by some headers (with details about the document) and finally, if all is well, the document's content. This is what the SuperUser server's reply for my request looks like:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Cache-Control: public, max-age=60
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Expires: Tue, 09 Jul 2013 07:27:20 GMT
Last-Modified: Tue, 09 Jul 2013 07:26:20 GMT
Vary: *
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
Date: Tue, 09 Jul 2013 07:26:19 GMT
Content-Length: 139672


After the last line, SuperUser's server closes the connection.

The first line (HTTP/1.1 200 OK) contains the response code, in this case it's 200 OK. It means that the server has decided it can return a document, as requested, and promises that the contents that follow will be such a document. If this is not the case the code will be something else, and it will provide some indication of the reason the server is not just returning a document as the response: for instance, if it cannot find the requested document, it is supposed to return 404 Not Found, and if you are not allowed to access the content in question it is supposed to return 403 Forbidden.

After this first status line, the response headers follow; they provide more information about the content being returned, such as its Content-type.

Next is an empty line. It signals the fact that no more response headers will follow. Everything past that line is the content of the document it requested. So in the above example, is the first line of the SuperUser home page (a HTML document). If I was requesting a document to download, it would probably be some gibberish characters, because most document formats are unreadable without prior processing.

Back to headers. The most interesting one for us is the last one, Content-Length. It informs the browser how many bytes of data it should expect after the empty line, so basically it's the document size expressed in bytes. This header isn't mandatory and may be omitted by the server. Sometimes the document size can't be predicted (for example when the document is generated on the fly), sometimes lazy programmers don't include it (quite common on driver download sites), sometimes websites are created by newbies who don't know of such a header.

Anyway, whatever the reason is, the header can be missing. In that case the browser doesn't know how much data the server is going to send, and thus displays the document size as unknown, waiting for the server to close the connection. And that's the reason for unknown document sizes.

sync - Is there a simple way to synchronize Thunderbird across machines?

I love Firefox Sync. Is there a similar way to synchronise Thunderbird?

I want to synchronise account settings, filters and address books. I never download e-mails, so this isn't an issue. There is no need to synchronise addons (I don't use Lightning or similar). I don't want an import, but a real synchronisation which reflects a change on all other associated Thunderbird installations. Is there a way to do this (whether automatic or with some tweaking)?

usb flash drive - Windows 7 UFD not responding after hard ejection

On a specific Windows 7 installation, I've got a USB flash drive that was removed while writing to it and since then on that specific machine the OS will not recognize it.

When I plug it in, it take a few minutes to appear but it's not functioning.. cant read/write or anything.

The UFD works fine the same machine on a different OS as well on other machines.

It seems that specific OS somehow remembers that UFD, how do I clear it's memory?

I've tried uninstalling the UFD under Disks in the device manager, after the restart and the reinstalling the UFD driver the issue remains.

Any suggestions?


USB Oblivion helped solve the issue in this case as per the comments above.

USB Oblivion is a utility designed to erase all traces of USB-connected drives and CD-ROMs from the registry in Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 32/64-bit versions. The utility has a test mode of operation, i.e. without actually removing data from the registry, and, just in case, creates a .reg-file to undo any changes. There is also a fully automatic mode.


Wednesday 28 March 2018

cpu usage - What does "thread" mean as related to CPUs?

Possible Duplicate:
What are threads, and what do they do in the processor?

I know a process can have multiple threads, on my Windows 7 machine each process has over 10 threads in avg.

But what does thread mean in terms of CPUs. Here it says my CPU has actually 4 CPUs AND 8 threads. When I open my task manager I see the usage of each of the 8 threads, but what is a thread?


Intel are talking about something different from the normal process threads.

They are talking about their "Hyper-Threading" technology that allows the cores in the CPU to each perform the work of (almost) two.

Hyper-threading works by duplicating certain sections of the processor—those that store the architectural state—but not duplicating the main execution resources. This allows a hyper-threading processor to appear as two "logical" processors to the host operating system,


Hyper-Threading … delivers two processing threads per physical core.


keyboard shortcuts - Is there a way to open a bookmark in the sidebar in Firefox without clicking on the bookmark in the bookmarks toolbar?

I currently use Remember The Milk and have a bookmark for my task list set to open in the sidebar (as described here). I don't typically have my bookmarks toolbar displayed in Firefox (same with the menu toolbar, to save space), so anytime I want to open my task list, I have to right click in the tiny space above the navigation toolbar, click on "Bookmarks Toolbar", and then click the bookmark. Is there an easier way to accomplish this? A keyboard shortcut would be ideal. Is it possible to do something with AutoHotKey to make this possible?


Ctrl-B will open your bookmarks in the sidebar. You can then tab into the bookmarks list and select Remember The Milk. Probably still more steps than you want but might help a little bit.

linux - Firefox: viewing text files in external editor

I would like to make Firefox view text files not in its internal editor, but in the external editor (namely EmacsClient).

Is it possible to change this default behavior of Firefox?

EDIT: I beg your pardon for being inconcise, I'll try to state the matter once again. First thing to mention is that I use the Linux version of Firefox. That means that unlike the Windows version the contents of the application bindings dialog is very scarce.

When I click on the link to a text file (be it remote or local) by default Firefox opens it in the internal browser. I've tested, somehow it looks at file extension - when for example I make a file with .mpg extension, the behaviour is as it should be - the dialog with "Open With..." and stuff. When the file has unknown extension (unknown to /etc/mime.types), in my case it's .out, pure text format - the default behaviour is to open it in a Firefox window. That very thing I need to change.

performance - Does the Intel i7 offer real improvement over its predecessors?

As the questions title asks, do the new processors from Intel offer real, as in noticeable, improvement over the previous quad core ones? What does the i7 actually offer that is new or is it simply a marketing gimmick?


Definitely does. You want to talk about Nehalem first, the quad-core should be discussed after that.

A very quick summary from the ArsTechnica article.
Nehalem-derived processors — if it's still appropriate to call them "processors" and not "systems-on-a-chip" (SoCs) — will mix the following elements in different proportions, depending on the platform and product:

  • Number of cores

  • Number of memory channels on the integrated memory controller

  • Type of memory supported (registered and unregistered DDR3 or FB-DIMM)

  • Number of links in the QuickPath interface (for scaling QuickPath bandwidth)

  • L3 cache size

  • Power management features

  • Integrated graphics [we are talking on-chip here]


Git For Windows Silent Install Silent Arguments

I'm aware of the basic silent install arguments like so.

 Git-1.9.4-preview20140611.exe /SILENT /COMPONENTS="icons,ext\reg\shellhere,assoc,assoc_sh"

However I need to install git with the option 'Run Git from the Windows Command Prompt' I've yet to find a argument for this.


At the current time you must set the registry options beforehand if you want to do so. The Chocolatey package does this based on package parameters you pass to the install command:

choco install git -params '"/GitAndUnixToolsOnPath"'


choco install git -params '"/GitOnlyOnPath"'

That said, if you want to get it as an argument, the Git for Windows folks are very accepting of Pull Requests. If you have the InnoSetup installer experience, please contribute at git-for-windows/build-extra.

More Information

If you are curious to see how it works, inspect the files section of the package page and tools\chocolateyInstall.ps1 and you will see the following:

if ($gitCmdOnly) {
# update registry so installer picks it up automatically
New-ItemProperty $installKey -Name "Inno Setup CodeFile: Path Option" -Value "Cmd" -PropertyType "String" -Force | Out-Null

if ($unixTools) {
# update registry so installer picks it up automatically
New-ItemProperty $installKey -Name "Inno Setup CodeFile: Path Option" -Value "CmdTools" -PropertyType "String" -Force | Out-Null

Which FFmpeg command do I use to passthrough FLV to MP4?

I've a number of downloaded FLV files which I would like to convert to MP4. They are already in the correct format so I am told all I need to do is to remux the video and audio streams into an MP4 container using copy/pass through.

I'm on Windows 7 64 bit and already have FFmpeg as part of get_iPlayer.

I'm struggling to work out the command line for this please?

Also would it be possible to batch process a number of FLV files in the same way?

ImageMagick import command gives error on windows?

I get the following error when I run the import command of ImageMagick from command-line

import: unable to open X sever '(null)'  @error /import.c/ImportImageCommand/362 [No such file or directory]

However, I have installed X-Server and it is launched in my task-bar. Even then I get this error.

Could you please provide me with some relevant links or solutions.

two computers with united CPU and memory resources?

is it possible?:) it wold be interesting, when given cheap chineese netbook and cheap chineese tablet, setup for example ubuntu to both of them, then le wild magic happens and viola - we have one mighty computer with more CPU cores, united RAM and video-card from the tablet:)


Combining different independent computers is possible. The supercomputer Titan, e.g., is composed of 18,688 different nodes; each node has its own CPU, GPU and RAM.

The problem lies in the specific details of le wild magic. You need a distributed operating system (Titan uses UNICOS) and – as far as I know – there are no desktop versions.

But suppose you have a distributed OS in some popular Linux flavor and you actually combine the computing power of a netbook and a tablet. What have you gained?

Two slow CPUs won't be much faster than one for most tasks, since most actions you can perform with a netbook aren't very parallelizable. The system memory of each device will only be available to that CPU (making two 4 core CPUs very different from one 8 core CPU). You're also going to be able to use only one GPU for video output.

networking - Portforwarding to multiple computers

Me and my brothers are playing the computer game GTA Online. We are all connected to the same local network.

However we experience connection problems sometimes. Now I read on the official Rockstar site that it will help to unlock/forward some ports in my router.

However, for a single computer this makes sense to me, but how does the router deal with incoming packages, if I defined the follwing two port forwarding rules?

enter image description here

You can see that I forward for example port 80 to computer Black and Black2. Will computer "Black" and computer "Black2" receive all incoming packages on port 80 of the router now, and other computers won't receive anything?

And does computer Black also receive the packages which are targetted to Black2, or only his packages?

How does the router know the correct target?


Packets received at port 80 etc. are going to be forwarded to ONLY ONE internal pc, either Black or Black2.

Will computer "Black" and computer "Black2" receive all incoming packages on port 80 of the router now, and other computers won't receive anything?

Incoming packets on port 80 of the router's external interface are going to either Black or Black2. It is hard to tell which one, it depends on the order in which the router internally processes the rules. The fact that Black comes first in your web management does not necessarily mean that its rules have a higher priority than those regarding Black2. One thing is correct, though: other computers won't receive anything.

Does computer Black also receive the packages which are targetted to Black2, or only his packages? How does the router know the correct target?

This is the crucial point: there is no way for the router to tell whether a packet is intended for Black or Black2. It cannot discern between them and is probably going to send all of them to Black or Black2. It can also happen that some of them go to Black and some go to Black2, but those won't be the "right" ones. Since you are forwarding more than one port, it can happen that packets incoming on one port are going to Black and packets incoming on another port go to Black2. There is no predicting this since you gave the router ambiguous directives.

What can you do?

You have to take control over which packets go where. I see two ways.

  1. one is to enable only one set of rules and play with e.g. Black. When you want to play with Black2, go back to the router's management interface and make the switch: disable Black and enable Black2. I know that this is not what you want and you are looking for a way to play simultaneously on the two PCs.

  2. another is to configure the clients to use two different sets of ports, and create two different sets of forwarding rules on the router. I mean opening the game settings and seeing if there's such an option. It is howerever possible that this cannot be done, it depends on whether the game manufacturer envisaged this possibility. This kind of setup is very common in the server world, but in the consumer market it is often expected that there is only one workstation and it is directly connected to the Internet.

windows 7 - Is there a way to allow standard users to restart (stop/start) the Print Spooler?

For some reason, multiple laptops on our wifi network often lose the ability to print to a device attached to a server on the network. Restarting the Print Spooler on each laptop fixes the issue. However, restarting the Windows Print Spooler service (via either services.msc or via the net start/stop command) requires administrative privileges.

Is there a way to allow standard users to restart their local print spooler service without requiring elevation or administrative privileges? For example, via a policy change?


I ended up using Method 3 at How to grant users rights to manage services in Windows 2000.

  1. Download and install SubInACL.exe

  2. run "C:\Program Files\Windows Resource Kits\Tools\subinacl" /service Spooler /grant==TO

SubInACL works on Windows 7.

The T grant parameter is for start service access and the O parameter is stop service access.

Now can:

  • run sc stop Spooler and sc start Spooler

  • run net stop "Print Spooler" and net start "Print Spooler"

  • use the Restart button on the Print Spooler item in services.msc

windows - How do I delete a file that is in use by another process?

Possible Duplicate:
How do I delete a 'locked' file?

More specifically, I'm trying to rename or overwrite a file, and get the message

Access Denied. Make sure the disk is not full or write-protected and the file is not currently in use.

Is there a way to find who / what's using the file, and kick them off it?


LockHunter is a foolproof file unlocker.

It is a tool to delete files blocked by something you do not know. LockHunter is useful for fighting against malware, and other programs that are blocking files without a reason. Unlike other similar tools it deletes files into the recycle bin so you may restore them if deleted by mistake.

Key Features

Shows processes locking a file or folder

Allows to unlock, delete, copy or rename a locked file

Allows to kill locking process

Allows to remove locking processes from hard drive

Integrates in to Explorer menu

It deletes files into the recycle bin, so you may restore them if deleted by mistake

Supports both 32 and 64bit Windows

as for your question:

Is there a way to find who / what's using the file?

alt text

LockHunter is freeware.

remote - How to run a local application on a distant server with SSH?

I would like to know if it is possible to run a local application on a distant server using the SSH protocol?


To execute locally-installed applications using another computer's CPU and memory, you could — assuming that the processors are compatible — try this. I'm not sure how well it will work, but the theory seems sound :) You will probably need superuser access on the remote server for this to work.

  • ssh in to the distant server

  • Mount the local root filesystem somewhere. You should not do this at all unless you're quite certain that you can trust the administrators of the remote system.

    • This can be done via sshfs as long as you can ssh from the server to the local system. I think you can rig this up by forwarding a port back through the connection that you have made when sshing in from local to server, but I've not gotten in to such shenanigans myself.

      • Typically, if the local machine is on a home network, you would just set up port forwarding on your router. You should probably disable password login in your local system's sshd_config before going this route, and generate an ssh key with passphrase for your account on the server, scping the id_? file back to local to append it to your ~/.ssh/authorized_keys. Restricting the IP addresses which can ssh in to your machine is another good idea. Et cetera.

    • If you want to run anything that needs to run as root, I think you'll need to set up the sshfs mount to be root on your local filesystem. That means you'd need to allow people to ssh in to your local box as root, which is another dubious policy move. I actually am not sure about this, you might be able to sudo within the chroot shell.

    • You could mount it other ways, for example through NFS, but sshfs is probably the easiest one to secure. Doing all of this over a VPN would probably be wiser.

  • Once you've got the filesystem mounted, and are still ssh-in-ed to the server, do

    chroot /path/to/mount/of/local/filesystem COMMAND ARGS

Or you can just cd to the directory and run chroot, and then you will sort of have a root shell on your own system, with processing being done by the server. The first form has the advantage of letting you conveniently save output to the server system, since any redirections will be done onto the server. E.G.

chroot /path/to/mount/of/local/filesystem find -iname "somefile" > ~/tmp/somefile.find.out

will save the list of files named "somefile" in your home temp directory on the server.


This is, at least from my point of view, pretty experimental. I'm not sure what could go wrong, but I wouldn't try it unless a few people vouch for it. Even then I wouldn't try it on a production system. If I were doing an IT TV show, this segment would be subtitled with the words "DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME".

Definitely you'll need to have compatible processors on the two machines: if the local system is i386, the server will have to be i386 or amd64. Also, since the server's kernel is going to be doing the work, you'll only be able to run local apps which work with the version of the kernel that's running on the server. It would probably be best if they were the same version. So if both your local box and the remote server are running 32-bit Debian Squeeze, then this might work without issues.

As a further note: there may be very limited advantage to doing things this way, since any data that needs to be transferred back and forth — including both files to be processed and the applications themselves — will have to be encrypted and transferred over your remote connection. So if you are looking to do this in order to harness the superior processing power of the server, you may not gain very much in the end, and may lose some.

Windows 10 Search: Search my stuff by default

Generally I use the built-in Windows 10 search to find my documents by name. However, in Windows 10 version 1511 the search is not performed in my stuff. Is there a way to make "Search my stuff" the default search mode?

An example. Say I want to find a file named "Dates.xlsx". If I type "dates" into the search box, I see this:

enter image description here

Then I click "Search my stuff" and scroll to see the results in my documents:

enter image description here

But I'd like to see the second picture instead of the first one by default to search my files easier and faster.

P.S. Cortana isn't supported and is turned off in my region.

pci express - multiple (3) monitors using intel iGPU + PCI-e graphics card

I'm interested in purchasing an asrock h55 board that supports the intel integrated GPU. Something like the h55 usb / pro /extreme.

I have 3 monitors and I'd like to know if I connect two monitors via the integrated gpu (which as far as i understand should work fine) then connect a PCI express geforce 8500 to the PCI-e x16 port. I should be able to run a third monitor and extend the desktop amongst all three.

Is this correct? will each monitor be able to show a different application at once?

At the moment I have achieved this using two video cards on an asrock board that has two pci-e 8x slots for video cards. I figure it'd be good to make use of the gpu since i'm getting the i3 560 and from the looks of things, none of the asrock boards come in 8x 8x pci e configuration anymore, they only come in 16x 4x config, which might be too slow? i dont know.

Any Ideas?

(also asked the same question on asrock forum:


I have 3 monitors and I'd like to know if I connect two monitors via the integrated gpu (which as far as i understand should work fine) then connect a pci express geforce 8500 to the pcix16 port, i should be able to run a third monitor and extend the desktop amongst all three.

AFAIK, you can have only the IGP or the external graphics driving the display. Not both.

wireless networking - Window 10 wifi issue media disconnected

I have a Dell Laptop Vostro 3555 with a Dell wireless 1701 802.11b/g/n network adapter made by Broadcom. The Device status: this device is working properly. This was a window 7 moved to a window 10. And I am not getting any X's of yellow signs in device manager.

Issue: The WiFi will not turn on. Will not show any access points to connect to.

What I have tried in order to fix the issue:

    1. Download new driver from dell

    2. [Function key] + F2

    3. can not do ipconfig /release ../renew because it says Media disconnected

    4. Wireless properties > Power Management > UNCHECK allow computer to turn off device to save power

    5. Tried kb3084164 issue

It might just me a bad card? What other steps can I perform to solve the issue before opening up the laptop.

cleaning - How to clean a keyboard

My keyboard is a) full of dust and other particles that are flying around us (hair, skin parts etc) and b) very dirty (keys are not white anymore but dark gray - except on keytops where my fingers are constantly cleaning away the dirt).

How should I dust & clean my keyboard?


apparently you can put it in the dishwasher.

Please note: I wouldn't do this with an expensive one but if all else fails...


windows xp - What is the "start parameters" text box means in the Services properties box?

it have the description of "You can specify the start parameters that apply when you start the service from here". but i dont get what it does.


Basically extra commands to a program if it supports it.

For example, an application may be multi core aware but by default only uses one core, the developer may make it take up multiple cores if started with the switch /cores 2 or if a program can span to multiple GBs of memory, there may be a switch that tells it the maximum it can take up - /maxmemory 1024

It is not built in and always there "because it is a service", it is something specific to each individual service programmed by the developer.

Tuesday 27 March 2018

windows vista - How can I tell whether a process is running with administrator permissions?

I'm using Windows Vista, with UAC enabled. I've installed an application, and the installer required admin privileges. The installer then started the application. I'd like to know if the application is continuing to run with admin privileges.

I've tried Windows Task Manager and Process Explorer, and neither appear to show this information.


In Process Explorer, double click the process to open its properties. Go to the Security tab. In the group listing, find BUILTIN\Administrators and look at what it says in the Flags column.

Deny = Not Elevated (not admin)

alt text

Owner = Elevated (is admin)

alt text

Everything running super slow in Windows 7 on my Dell Laptop

Recently my laptop has become really sluggish. I have Windows 7 and Windows Explorer often freezes or the hour glass comes up and never goes away. I often can't close windows, and when I do, again the hour glass comes up and spins forever!

I will then check task manager and no programs will be running, a lot of processes are happening, but just becoming very aggravating. Often have to restart once before I can simply use the internet. I did upgrade to internet Explorer 9 (big mistake) but I can deal with Firefox, but often have the same overall issues!

I do have spyware and virus protection, and have done a few FULL scans and nothing comes up, I just downloaded malwarebytes also and did full scans and again nothing comes up.

I really would love to have this fixed, without simply formatting and reinstalling Windows.

If you want me to, I can post a HiJackThis log file, in case that would be helpful.

motherboard - New desktop won't POST

I've just built a PC, and for some reason the motherboard won't POST and boot the OS. I can hear/see everything get power and but nothing happens.

I have pulled the RAM to see if it's bad and it still won't work. I do however have an onboard video card and an AGP video card in, no mouse/keyboard hooked up.

Could any of those have anything to do with it? Or any other troubleshooting steps I could try?


Double check your power supply connections. I know it sounds stupid, but twice now I've built PCs and couldn't get them to post (though all the fans would spin up). After disconnecting and reconnecting all the motherboard power connections, and reattaching, the system came alive.

Sounds dumb, but worth a try.

Also, disconnect every peripheral (PCI cards, drives, everything) until it posts.

How do I get the "old style" system print dialog for Chrome on Windows?

In our office, a colleague obviously has a problem with their Chrome installation (15.0.847.106m). The print dialog does not show any preview, and it doesn't show the printers as well.

enter image description here

Other browsers like Firefox do show the printers.

In OS X, I know that the "old style" system print dialog can be triggered with ⌥⌘P. Is there an equivalent for Windows? Where else should I look?

enter image description here


You can use the system shortcut (in Windows or GNU/Linux) Ctrl-Shift-P to see the system dialog for printing as you desired, or you can disable Chrome's print preview alltogether if you type about:flags in the URL bar, scroll a little bit down, and disable Print Preview and then restart Google Chrome.


email - Why is my own e-mail address not listed in the To field?

I have received a suspicious e-mail. I am not affiliated with the company mentioned in the e-mail body, or the signer. However, I have been using the app they mention in the e-mail. They are inviting me to a Beta test. But the e-mail is not by the original author of the app. But I'm thinking they might have hired an external company to do this version of the app. There is a link to a TestFlight page. So I'm not sure what to make of this.

Now this is what mainly arose my attention.

From:    Anders Bergman 
To: Bon Support
Subject: Test av nya BBK för Android

This is how it shows up in Outlook 2010. The "To" field is addressed to "Bon Support" and when I double-click on that I see I can assure you that none of these are my e-mail addresses. So where the heck is my own e-mail address? How could I have received this if it was addressed to someone else? If not spammers and skimmers and other criminals, who else is using this practice and why? And how can I tell now to what e-mail account I received this? I have more than one account set up in Outlook.


X-T2-Spam-Status: No, hits=-0.1 required=5.0 tests=BAYES_50,
Received: from
by (CommuniGate Pro RULE 5.4.4)
with RULE id 171382165; Wed, 23 Oct 2013 10:30:14 +0200
X-Autogenerated: Mirror
Resent-Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 10:30:14 +0200
X-T2-Spam-Status: No, hits=-0.1 required=5.0 tests=BAYES_50,
Received: from ([] verified)
by (CommuniGate Pro SMTP 5.4.4)
with ESMTPS id 446061965 for; Wed, 23 Oct 2013 10:30:12 +0200
Received-SPF: none; client-ip=;
Received: by with SMTP id eh20so357260lab.8
for ; Wed, 23 Oct 2013 01:30:10 -0700 (PDT)
X-Google-DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20130820;
X-Gm-Message-State: ALoCoQkZJT/ZGaGrnfpKLyO8LRTO1EuDp39F4SZ9Gax9puG3RlHfTAe8cUIqZdvPSVOiiXJ0gS+l
X-Received: by with SMTP id as8mr258717lac.33.1382517010017;
Wed, 23 Oct 2013 01:30:10 -0700 (PDT)
Received: from [] ( [])
by with ESMTPSA id mr1sm18536043lbc.16.2013.
(version=TLSv1 cipher=ECDHE-RSA-RC4-SHA bits=128/128);
Wed, 23 Oct 2013 01:30:09 -0700 (PDT)
From: Anders Bergman
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="Apple-Mail=_D829B436-0812-4CDC-BE9A-555257A9A44B"
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 10:30:02 +0200
Subject: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Testa_av_nya_BBK_f=F6r_Android?=
To: Bon Support
Message-Id: <>
Mime-Version: 1.0 (Mac OS X Mail 6.5 \(1508\))
X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.1508)

Now here are the interesting bits of information. The "real" To address:


The "return path" address:


It has been scanned for SPAM with Spam Assasin (Bayes 50 rule). "SpamAssassin includes a Bayesian filter that assigns scores based on the user's previous email history. Bayesian spam probability is 40 to 60%."

X-T2-Spam-Status: No, hits=-0.1 required=5.0 tests=BAYES_50

I can see it was sent to multiple recipients. I'd say this is indicative of a Bcc mail.


I also see he used Apple Mail 6.5 to send the e-mail.

Mime-Version: 1.0 (Mac OS X Mail 6.5 \(1508\))
X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.1508)

So it looks like he's running OS X 10.8.x Mountain Lion. That's kind of cool to know.

He is in fact running Mac OS X, so I'd say it's a genuine e-mail, and not a spam. Yes, I know that by the fact that he is using a Mac! Apple users have a life, they don't do spam. ;)

ssd - Is it beneficial to enable Rapid Mode on a Samsung solid state drive?

I recently bought a Samsung 840 EVO 500 gb solid state drive for my laptop. There's a feature (disabled by default) called RAPID (Real Time Acceleration Processing of I/O Data) Mode. From what I can tell, this mode will use more memory/RAM to facilitate better/faster read/write speeds. A white paper on this feature can be found here.

What is RAPID mode?

RAPID mode is paired exclusively with Samsung 840 EVO SSDs and available as a feature of the accompanying Samsung SSD Magician Software Toolset (version 4.2 and later). When enabled, RAPID mode is inserted as a filter driver in the Windows storage stack. The driver actively monitors all storage-related activity between and among the operating system, user applications and the SSD. The RAPID technology analyzes system traffic and leverages spare system resources (DRAM and CPU) to deliver read acceleration through intelligent caching of hot data and write optimization through tight coordination with the SSD.

So is it really worth enabling this feature? I have 8 gb of installed memory on my laptop (max that I can install). Is it worth this trade off of using some memory to improve speeds?

Windows 7 and 8.0 bug: Network icon is marked as "no internet access"

When does windows mark network connection icon as having no internet access?

I have internet access, but the icon says I don't. If I run troubleshooter, it finds no any problems. But the icon still says no internet access (yellow triangle with exclamation mark).


Problem manifestates on several computers in the LAN, so it is not network card dependent.

Also problem is related with Windows Store operation: Windows 7 and 8.0 bug: Store: PC is not connected to Internet, try again later

Also problem disappears on Windows 8.1, so this is a bug of Windows 8.0

enter image description here

how to fix Hebrew font in Chrome browser after installing Windows 10?

Yesterday I installed Windows 10 and suddenly only in Chrome my Hebrew font showed up as squares instead of Hebrew letters. How can I solve it?

*Note: it's only in Chrome version 44.0.2403.125

Passing Log in Credentials with Pushd? other command?

My Scenario: I am running the pushd command to run searches on remote domain computers. However the search performs very slow/or not at all when a user is not logged on to the machine(machine is still powered on.)

I was wondering if it is possible to pass log in credentials with the pushd command. If not what are some alternate choices?

I cannot use other software or packages such as PsExec.


You can use:

net use \\RemoteComputer\c$ password /user:MY_DOMAIN\remoteUsername
"\\RemoteComputer\c$\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\java" -version"
net use \\RemoteComputer\c$ /d

(Edited to add simplifications from grawity from comments. Learn something new every day!)

linux - Is using legacy mode instead of UEFI mode a bad thing to do?

Can using legacy mode instead of UEFI mode affect my laptop in any way?

networking - How to force Vagrant to have a single, bridged, network interface

Using vagrant 1.7.2 on OSX (MacBook Pro), Ubuntu 14.04 guests, VirtualBox 4.3.26. Mac is connected to the world via standard WiFi interface.

I want the Vagrant boxes to use the bridged network on the local LAN as their primary (and only) interface. This is required for experimenting with tcptraceroute, which doesn't do the right thing through the NAT'ed network. What I have now in my Vagrantfile is:

Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|
config.vm.provider "virtualbox" "public_network", bridge: "en0: Wi-Fi (AirPort)" = 'ubuntu/trusty64'

And what I get inside the Vagrant box is:

$ ip -o -4 a
1: lo inet scope host lo\ valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: eth0 inet brd scope global eth0\ valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
3: eth1 inet brd scope global eth1\ valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

(172.16.69/24 is my LAN address). If I manually take down eth0 and switch the default route to then I can use the VirtualBox as I want to:

# ifdown eth0
Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Client 4.2.4
Copyright 2004-2012 Internet Systems Consortium.
All rights reserved.
For info, please visit

Listening on LPF/eth0/08:00:27:56:a8:46
Sending on LPF/eth0/08:00:27:56:a8:46
Sending on Socket/fallback
DHCPRELEASE on eth0 to port 67 (xid=0x69745103)
# route add -net default gw
# route -n
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface UG 0 0 0 eth1 U 0 0 0 eth1

And now tcptraceroute works right.

My question is - how can I configure Vagrantfile to avoid bringing up the eth0 interface as a NAT'ed interface and just bring it up as a single, bridged interface?

I tried playing around with "private_network" as partly explained in but as far as I followed all it did was to add interfaces to the box, not replace the default NAT'ed inetface on eth0.


You can try to add the adapter: 1 to the config. Although I still find some problem with it. See if it will help you starts from somewhere.

Example: "public_network", bridge: "Broadcom BCM5709C", adapter: "1", ip: "192.168.x.xx"

You will still have the eth1 which is host-only network...

windows 10 - Can you create Program Files x86 by yourself?

I attached a second SSD and was wondering if creating a Program File (x86) folder “by hand” or manually and following the exact formatting the same as it being created by a program automatically.

I know there are differences that the x86 folder has and I am curious as to if it will operate and have the same properties if I were to create it manually as oppose to it being generated automatically.

Using windows 10 home.

wireless networking - Can we create a VAP in sta mode and another VAP in ap mode in MadWiFi

I have am working with a Atheros chip and madwifi and I am trying to set up VAPs one in sta and one in ap. I am able to set up multiple VAPs in ap mode but when I set up the first VAP in sta and then try setting up another VAP in ap I get wlanconfig: ioctl: Input/output error. Is it possible to create one VAP in sta and another in ap using MadWiFi.

Monday 26 March 2018

How to change icons For MSOffice applications in Windows 7/8 Explorer?

Update: This is NOT for fixing corrupt icons - this is for changing icons, corrupt or not.

Original queston

This is NOT for the library icon nor for the Metro icons. This is for Windows 8 Explorer icons.

I'm able to change the default program from control panel or right click file in Explorer => properties. But I can't see a way to change the icon itself. I'm putting a screenshot of what I'm presented - the same holds true for PDF files or any other files.

enter image description here

Edit: Even when I try to change the icons of shortcuts, I'm unable to do so. Weird!

enter image description here

Any ideas?


Create a new shortcut from the original MSOffice .exe file, and then you can change it's icon. This works in Windows 7 or Windows 8.

. To create one, search the

program files(x86)\office 14(or 15)\


program files\Office 14(or 15)\

for the exe you want, and then right-click drag the .exe somewhere like desktop where you can create a shortcut. You can then change the icon.


enter image description here


enter image description here


networking - How can i share my wired connection to my laptop wifi?

I have a wired internet broadband connection on my PC(win xp), i want to use this wired connection from my laptop(dell inspiron win 7, wifi). I also have a adsl2+ router. So can i configure this router and use this wired internet connection from my laptop?

Thank you in advance.

Can I safely migrate a ZFS pool from FreeBSD to Ubuntu?

I have a HP Microserver running FreeBSD 9.1. It has a ZFS pool which is a 3-way RAID Z. It currently boots from root on ZFS.

I would like to migrate from FreeBSD to Ubuntu server (because I am more familiar with Ubuntu/deb). Can I somehow install Ubuntu without destroying/damaging the pool?

linux - Single application through OpenVPN tunnel (Debian Lenny)

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language - Cygwin (bash, g++....) is in Japanese mode - how to set everything to English?

I am using Cygwin under Windows 7. For some reason (*) Cygwin talks to me in Japanese: bash responses, error messages from g++ etc are in Japanese. I speak some Japanese but having C++ compiler error messages in Japanese is a bit too annoying. In the DOS-Box-based bash, I can see at least the Japanese characters of the error messages, in xterm only latin characters are displayed.

How can I set Cygwin back to English?

(*) I am running a english version of Windows 7, however I do have various windows Japanese software installed, and my language for non-unicode programs is set to Japanese encoding for this reason. I do not know if this related.


Try updating Cygwin by running setup.exe. A few months ago a change was made to Cygwin's internationalization library that caused it to default to the language set on the Formats tab of the Windows Regional&Language control panel. This was later reverted.

If that's not the problem, then I guess the locale is set to Japanese, via one of the LC_ALL, LC_MESSAGES, or LANG variables. In Cygwin's default terminal (i.e. mintty) the locale can be set on the Text tab of its options.

cooling - What makes a laptop overheat?

Is there a correlation between CPU usage and heat? RAM usage? Other things?

How can software affect overheating in a laptop?


Is there a correlation between CPU usage and heat?

Yes. Most modern-day computers allow the CPU to "down-throttle" at idle, use less power (thus producing less heat). This is why when building desktops, it is common to "burn in" a CPU by using it at 100% load for a few hours to determine the highest temperature that is hit.

It should also be noted that while core frequency does contribute to heat, this effect is much smaller then how much CPU loading causes the temperature to rise. This is because certain instructions use different electrical pathways in the microprocessor. To give a real-world example here, there have been various power viruses written in the past, which take advantage of this fact to repeatedly execute specific machine code which draws the most power (and thus produces the most heat).

RAM usage?

While RAM usage does correlate with how hot the individual memory chips get, this effect is very insignificant compared to CPU/GPU loading (since the memory is clocked at a constant rate). It is highly unlikely to be the cause of any overheating issues.

Other things?

The other two things that come to mind are the GPU and the motherboard itself. As with the CPU, a GPU can down-throttle at idle, and use less power when not in use (and thus resulting in lower temperatures).

The second thing, the motherboard, heats up due to a variety of things. These can be either significant or insignificant, depending on the motherboard architecture itself. For example, some motherboards allow variable loading on their supplied power to devices, which use high frequency voltage regulators. Under load, the duty cycle and frequency of the voltage regulators ramp up to improve your system's stability (at the cost of more heat).

How can software affect overheating in a laptop?

Software is the primary factor which determines CPU and GPU usage, since software essentially controls these hardware devices. As such, using software which constantly loads the CPU will cause any computer to heat up more then it would at idle.

The last thing that most people with a laptop do not think of is the power supply (AC adapter or battery). Regardless of the situation, if your computer needs more power for some reason, your battery or your AC adapter will get hotter with the increase in power draw. I only mention this here, however, because this effect is not as significant as those I have listed above.

One more small addition I think is worth mentioning, is that thermal paste loses it's heat conducting properties over time. This is for a variety of reasons (heat exposure, oxidation, evaporation, etc...), but it is an issue nonetheless. Thermal paste has a few years lifespan in a computer, and afterwards, it may be worthwhile to "re-seat" your heatsinks (both in your desktop and laptop) with new thermal paste.

Where does Skype save my contact&#39;s avatars in Linux?

I'm using Skype on Linux. Where can I find images cached by skype of my contact's avatars? Answer I wanted to get those Skype avat...