Saturday, 5 January 2019

email - 24-hours time with 12-hour notation

I've received an paper e-mail copy with header saying, that the e-mail was sent 15:10 PM. So I am wondering, if the mail is fake one, or is it possible due to some setting changes?

My questions:

  1. Is it possible to have such a time setting in any mail client? (MS Outloook, web-based etc.)

  2. Is it even possible to program such time type in any programming language?

EDIT: The header is similiar like this one, just the time is as stated above 15:10 PM.


Yes, it is possible.

To achieve such a thing, you just need to customize date format in Regional Settings control panel. Most applications then use the setting, including the Outlook.

So the explanation can be that person who printed the e-mail had set unusual time format on their PC.

See the following screenshot with similar example and its impact on clock in notification area:

enter image description here

Apologies to readers, currently I'm on machine with Czech Windows 7. OTOH, the OP seems to be from Czech rep., so he can read it in his mother tongue. :)

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