What Excel formula can I use to calculate the second Monday of a given month?
You can assume I have a cell containing the first day of the month to work with.
In the interests of other users, can you please also explain how to alter the formula to get the 1st, 3rd or 4th Monday of the month too, and other days of the week too. eg the third Friday of the Monday...
Here's something I found with a quick search:
Generically you can get the nth xday of the month with this formula
where year is in B2 and month (as a number 1 to 12) is in A2, and where xday is a number representing the day of the week (1 = Sun through to 7 = Sat), so for 1st Saturday that becomes
or for 4th Thursday
So, if I'm reading this properly, the 2nd Monday of the month is
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