Tuesday, 22 August 2017

How to find and replace link paths in multiple Excel files at once

We have a huge folder containing office documents on our server. IT wants to change the name of the folder from Mehper_repository to Planning_reports. Since most of the Excel files in the subfolders are linked to each other, I need to find and replace every single cell content containing \\FileSrv\Mehper_repository\ to \\FileSrv\Planning_reports\. The problem is, Excel's Find/Replace utility can search only within Sheet or Workbook. How can I search within a folder/subfolders just looking in Formulas and replace that expression?


I would suggest the commercial product PowerGREP :

PowerGREP is a powerful Windows grep tool. Quickly search through large numbers of files on your PC or network, including text and binary files, compressed archives, MS Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, PDF files, OpenOffice files, etc. Find the information you want with powerful text patterns (regular expressions) specifying the form of what you want, instead of literal text. Search and replace with one or many regular expressions to comprehensively maintain web sites, source code, reports, etc. Extract statistics and knowledge from logs files and large data sets.


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