Tuesday 24 October 2017

windows 7 - How to open the stdout with Notepad++?

On OSX TextMate have the alias mate which you can use with the pipe to open other program's stdout.

How can I achieve the same effect in Windows 7 with Notepad++?

Ex.: git diff master|edit


No, Windows does not have equivalent functionality to /dev/stdin or /dev/fd on Unixes. (It would be stdin, not stdout, from Notepad++'s point of view.) While GUI programs can read from stdin, they must be specially written to do so.

@echo off & setlocal
set f=%temp%\stdin-%random%%random%%random%.txt
more > "%f%"
start /wait notepad++ "%f%"
del "%f%"

If you don't want the batch file to "/wait" for notepadd++ to exit, you can replace the above "start /wait" line with these two lines:

start notepad++ "%f%"
REM Windows timeout won't work inside batch files. Use ping hack instead.
ping -n 3 -w 10000 > nul

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