Thursday 26 October 2017

microsoft excel - Transform Fixed Width to CSV?

I have a whole bunch of data files with different content but identical layout. I need to convert them to CSV before importing them into a CRM application.

I usually open the tab-delimited file in Excel, which prompts me to manually define the tab stops using the Text Import Wizard. Once I have the file opened I convert it to CSV.

Problem is I have a bunch of these files (say 20-30) and Excel doesn't remember what one does in the Text Import Wizard and for reasons too lengthy to explain here I can't just combine them all into one mass file - even though the data structure is identical.

I'm wondering if there is a program or process out there that will allow me to save a "template" of the data file structure, and then apply it against each file so I don't have to recreate it manually?


For this I would normally use a batch process in a scripting language

For example, this is AutoIt:

$getfile = FileOpenDialog("Choose a file",@ScriptDir, "*.tsv",7)
If StringInSTr($getfile,"|") = 0 Then
$split = StringSplit($getfile,"|")
For $i = 2 to $split[0]
$file = FileOpen($split[$i])
$file = FileOpen($getfile)

This would be just as easy in VBScript, Batch, Python or Perl.

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