Saturday 14 April 2018

windows - How would I see if a certain Batch File is running and get the PID?

It's a common problem I've run into a lot, where I want to see if another batch file is running or not. This is fairly easy, but then getting the PID is hard. This is why I wrote my own script that does a lot of things, which I will post as an answer for those who need it. If anyone else wants to improve on it please do!


Note: The script is free for anyone to use, but please leave credit where credit is due. Thanks!

Here are some of the things the script can do:

  1. It can show you what CMD.exe windows are running (background or foreground) with a pleasing interface.

  2. It Can Constantly Refresh to show you changes in the Title of an instance, and the memory usage.

  3. It can only refresh when a new window appears (less glitchy looking).

  4. It can pause before exit, useful for using it with Run.

  5. It can be run from within a batch file to search for an instance with a specific title, and set the errorlevel to the PID of said window.

Here is a screenshot of the the help screen (/?): Help Screen

Here is a screenshot of the Display: cmds default

EDIT: The Program is now fully functional thanks to the input of DavidPostill (thanks)

The Script:

@echo off
set oldnum=NO
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
pushd "%TEMP%"
for /F "tokens=1,2 delims=#" %%a in ('"prompt #$H#$E# & echo on & for %%b in (1) do rem"') do (
set "DEL=%%a"
rem Prepare a file "X" with only one dot
X set /p ".=."

if /i "%1"=="/TS" goto ts
if /i "%1"=="/S" tasklist /fi "imagename eq cmd.exe" /fo list /v & exit /b
if "%1"=="/?" goto help
goto nxt
::Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
:: ===================== Window Title =================
set num=0
tasklist /fi "imagename eq cmd.exe" /fo list /v | find /I "Window Title:" >System
for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (System) do (
set /a num+=1
set Title!num!=%%A
set totalnum=!num!

:: ===================== Memory =======================
set num=0
tasklist /fi "imagename eq cmd.exe" /fo list /v | find /I "Mem Usage:" >System
for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (System) do (
set /a num+=1
set Mem!num!=%%A

:: ===================== PID ========================
set num=0
tasklist /fi "imagename eq cmd.exe" /fo list /v | find /I "PID:" >System
for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (System) do (
set /a num+=1
set PID!num!=%%A
if "%1"=="/w" goto lloop
if "%1"=="/W" goto lloop
echo [92mCMDS by IT Command (use /? for help) %totalnum% Windows Open[0m
echo =====================================================================================
set num=0
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set /a num+=1
if %num% LSS 10 call :Colorecho21 08 "%num% ] "
if %num% GTR 9 call :Colorecho21 08 "%num%] "

set str=!PID%num%!
set "result=%str::=" & set "result=%"
set result=%result: =%
call :Colorecho21 0b "PID: %result% "
if %result% LSS 10000 call :Colorecho21 0f " "
call :Colorecho21 0e "!Mem%num%! "
echo [92m!Title%num%![0m
if %num%==%totalnum% goto stops11
goto tpds
echo =====================================================================================
if "%1"=="/p" pause
if "%1"=="/P" pause
if "%2"=="/P" pause
if "%2"=="/p" pause
if "%3"=="/P" pause
if "%3"=="/p" pause

if "%1"=="/l" echo Press any key to continue or CTRL+C to quit . . . & pause>nul & cls & goto nxt
if "%1"=="/L" echo Press any key to continue or CTRL+C to quit . . . & pause>nul & cls & goto nxt
if "%2"=="/l" echo Press any key to continue or CTRL+C to quit . . . & pause>nul & cls & goto nxt
if "%2"=="/L" echo Press any key to continue or CTRL+C to quit . . . & pause>nul & cls & goto nxt
if "%3"=="/l" echo Press any key to continue or CTRL+C to quit . . . & pause>nul & cls & goto nxt
if "%3"=="/L" echo Press any key to continue or CTRL+C to quit . . . & pause>nul & cls & goto nxt
goto exit

echo [92mCMDS by IT Command (use /? for help) %totalnum% Windows Open[0m
echo =====================================================================================
set num=0
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set /a num+=1
if %num% LSS 10 call :Colorecho21 08 "%num% ] "
if %num% GTR 9 call :Colorecho21 08 "%num%] "

set str=!PID%num%!
set "result=%str::=" & set "result=%"
set result=%result: =%
call :Colorecho21 0b "PID: %result% "
if %result% LSS 10000 call :Colorecho21 0f " "
call :Colorecho21 0e "!Mem%num%! "
echo [92m!Title%num%![0m
if %num%==%totalnum% goto stops11l11
goto tpdsl1
echo =====================================================================================
set oldnum=%num%
timeout /t 3 >nul
Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
goto nxt

if %oldnum%==NOT goto displayl1
if %num%==%oldnum% goto stops11l1
goto displayl1

call :Colorecho21 0f "CMDS Command Prompt Window Lister by IT Command"
echo CMDS [/S] [/P] [/L] [/W] [/TS String]
echo /S Displays the simple but high information version (fast)
echo /P Pauses Before Exiting. Usefull if using from Run.
echo /L Pauses and refreshes on press of key. Use CTRL+C to quit.
echo /W Refreshes only when a new cmd instance starts (new PID).
echo Note: This will not refresh if an old window closes
echo and a new one opens at the same time.
echo /TS Use within a batch file to search for a Window Title
echo String The Window Title to search for with /TS
echo with /TS the errorlevel will be set to 1 if the title was not found.
echo If it is found, the errorlevel will be set to the PID of the cmd instance.
echo Example:
echo CMDS /TS "My Window"
echo The Above Command Will set the errorlevel to the PID of the cmd instance
echo with the title "My Window" (set with the title command). If the instance
echo is not found (there is no running window) the errorlevel will be 1.
echo if the Syntax was incorrect, errorlevel will be set to 2.
call :Colorecho21 07 " Created by Lucas Elliott with IT Command"
call :Colorecho21 0b ""
goto exit

set num=0
tasklist /fi "imagename eq cmd.exe" /fo list /v | find /I "Window Title:" >System
for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (System) do (
set /a num+=1
set Title!num!=%%A
set totalnum=!num!

:: ===================== Memory =======================
set num=0
tasklist /fi "imagename eq cmd.exe" /fo list /v | find /I "Mem Usage:" >System
for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (System) do (
set /a num+=1
set Mem!num!=%%A

:: ===================== PID ========================
set num=0
tasklist /fi "imagename eq cmd.exe" /fo list /v | find /I "PID:" >System
for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (System) do (
set /a num+=1
set PID!num!=%%A
setlocal EnabledelayedExpansion
set num=0
set /a num+=1
if "%~2"=="" exit /b 2
if "!Title%num%!"=="Window Title: %~2" goto isrite
if %num%==%totalnum% goto nonets
goto tsloop
::window was found
set str=!PID%num%!
set "result=%str::=" & set "result=%"
set result=%result: =%
exit /b %result%

exit /b 1

set "param=^%~2" !
set "param=!param:"=\"!"
findstr /p /A:%1 "." "!param!\..\X" nul
exit /b

exit /b

NOTICE: As of this edit this is the latest version available, however, The most recently updated version can be found here:

There is also a function version to put inside your code at that url.

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