Tuesday 24 April 2018

linux - Continue SSH background task/jobs when closing SSH

I have the same question as here but even beyond that.

If I logout/exit the SSH connection, I need my program running in background. Before exit, I type bg and jobs to check background running task, but after exiting SSH, the program doesn't run, it closes when I close the SSH window.

What can I do if I want my program still running after closing the SSH window? I do use nohup screen but it also doesn't work, or am I missing something?


When you use screen you need to detach with CTRL+A+D before you exit ssh.

Alternatively, if you want to run a process directly with screen you can use

screen -dmSL [session name] [commands]

  • -d starts a screen session and immediately detaches from it

  • -m forces creating a new screen session

  • -S lets you give the session a name

  • -L turns on logging to ~/screenlog.0


screen -dmSL workstuff myscript.sh

You can then either:

resume later using screen -x workstuff


check the log file less -r ~/screenlog.0

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