Saturday, 1 September 2018

video conversion - FFmpeg tweaks for converting from WMV to FLV?

When using ffmpeg to convert from .wmv files to .flv files, I find that either the quality is too low or the bps is too high. I am working on a Ubuntu Linux installation. Any suggestions?

The bps must be within 500k.

Command line line for high quality:

ffmpeg -i '$raw_video_path' -ab 64 -ar 44100 -b 300k -r 30 -s 720x480 -sameq $temp_flv

This produces a very high quality, but 10 times the allowed bps. Command line for low quality:

ffmpeg -i '$raw_video_path' -copyts -ar 44100 -s 320x240 $temp_flv

This produces too poor a quality with 90% of the the allowed bps.

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