Monday 24 September 2018

windows 7 - Install SSL certificate from an untrusted website into the Certificates snap-in using IE

How can I install a certificate from an untrusted website into the Certificates snap-in (certmgr.msc) of Windows?

enter image description here

I know how to do this with Firefox by exporting to a file and then importing it, but I'm looking to do this in IE or with any other way that's built-in to Windows.


I knew this used to be easy. It turns out the trick is to run IE as an Administrator:

enter image description here

Then browse to the website and click on the certificate details:

enter image description here

Then finally you can Install Certificate:

enter image description here

If you then want to export it to a file, it's a simple matter of exporting it from the Certificates (certmgr.msc) snap-in.

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