Wednesday 6 February 2019

unix - Linux Mint VM in VirtualBox freezes with DISKFULL error

Disk partitioning guide for Linux Mint Debian

This guides shows me how to partition my HD for Linux Mint. I'm trying to install Mint as a guest client on Windows 7 hosted VirtualBox. I used to let it freely partition my allocated space (80GB) but Mint always fails when I try to update or install any large software from the command prompt or update manager.

The error is DISKFULL and the OS hangs, therefore I have to power it off/forcefully shut it down.

Later on, I fail to boot it up again. It freezes. An error is displayed from the kernel stating that I need to upgrade or change the current BIOS; At this point Linux Mint is screwed up.

I have no idea how to bring it back. I always have to reinstall the OS and currently I am looking for information that helps me partition the HD myself. The link above helps, but I am thinking there are several places in Linux partitions (folders) that I need to divide my HD, while the above explanation only offers me 4 divisions (where are others, i.e. /var, /etc, /mnt, etc. ?).

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