Wednesday 13 February 2019

How to Move Offline Files Cache in Windows 7?

On Vista systems, I've been using these instructions to relocate the "Offline Files Cache" from its default location of c:\csc. Works great.

However, these instructions do not work on Windows 7. There is small discussion about the issue going on on TechNet but nobody yet has a solution.

The problem is that the Migration Wizard has changed in Windows 7 and no longer provides a mechanism for doing this.


I've found the following to work well. I would advise to create a restore point prior to doing the following.

  1. Create a folder for your offline file cache. Something like D:\Offline.

  2. From an elevated command prompt type the following: Takeown /r /f C:\Windows\CSC.

  3. Open the Sync Center and go to Manage Offline Files.

  4. Click Disable Offline Files and restart the machine.

  5. From an elevated command prompt issue the following commands:

    rd /s C:\Windows\CSC
    mklink /J C:\Windows\CSC "D:\Offline"

    (or whatever your folder name is, but be sure to use the quotes if you have space(s) in the name).

  6. Reopen the Manage Offline Files window and Enable Offline Files.

  7. Restart the machine.

All files/folders that are made available offline should now be redirected to whichever folder you specified.

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