Friday 8 February 2019

updates - Unable to upgrade to Windows 8.1/10

After installing recent Windows Updates the Windows Upgrade assistant fails to detect my Windows 8.1 version (previously it was able to get past this point).

This error appears in Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 installers:

Sorry, we're having trouble determining if your PC can run Windows (8.1/10). Please close Setup and try again.

enter image description here

enter image description here


1) Rolled back Windows Updates.

2) Disabled third-party startup programs, services and antivirus.

3) Detached secondary hard drives and USB devices.

4) Performed system files "Disk Cleanup", System File Checker and DISM Image Cleanup.

5) Attempted to install with USB, mounted ISO and physical DVD.

The problem persists!

Log Files:


You can't update because Windows fails to detect the amount of free space on the hidden SYSTEM Partition which contains the bootloader:

2015-03-28 20:02:47, Error                 CONX   ConX::Compatibility::CSystemAbstraction::GetDiskFreeSpaceW: Failed to retrieve disk space info for [gle=0x00000003]
2015-03-28 20:02:47, Error CONX CFreeSystemPartitionDiskSpaceChecker failed. Failed to determine the free disk space on the system partition. . HRESULT = 0x80070003[gle=0x00000003]
2015-03-28 20:02:47, Error CONX ConX::Compatibility::CCompatibilityHost::SetScanResult: Compat scan from provider wsc:setup: failed. HRESULT = 0x80070003

Error 0x80070003 means that a path is not found:

C:\Users\André>err 0x80070003
# for hex 0x80070003 / decimal -2147024893
# The specified path couldn't be found.
# as an HRESULT: Severity: FAILURE (1), FACILITY_WIN32 (0x7), Code 0x3
# for hex 0x3 / decimal 3
# The system cannot find the path specified.
# 2 matches found for "0x80070003"

So it looks like Windows fails to find the system partition.

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