I own both a Mac running OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard, and a PC running Windows 7.
On my Mac is a font called "AmericanTypewriter.ttc". I'd like to use that font on my PC, for a specific creative project. I was able to copy the actual font file over to the PC, but when I try to install it into the Windows Fonts folder I get the following error message:
"Cannot install (FONTNAME).ttc - The file '(FONTNAME).ttc' does not appear to be a valid font."
Can *.TTC format font files be installed on Windows? If so, how? Thanks!
UPDATE: I downloaded the source code for a simple ttc2ttf utility (ttc2ttf_AA.tar.gz) found at this Japanese page and compiled it under cygwin via g++. The resulting executable extracted a single file, "AmericanTypewriter.ttf", from the TTC / True Type Collection. (Why have a collection with only one file!?)
However, I still get an error message similar to the one above when I try to install the resulting AmericanTypewriter.ttf onto Windows. I'm stumped again.
p.s. I no longer need this font on Windows, but now I'm determined to figure out why & how-to :-)
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