Sunday 25 February 2018

Windows 10 Low Memory Warnings when I have plenty of available memory

I have been having an issue where, if my system is up for a few days without being rebooted I will start getting warnings saying "Close programs to prevent information loss" and then a dialogue suggesting I close programs, which I can either cancel or hit "close programs" and Windows will force close some or all of the applications listed in the dialog.

I open task manager, and see that only around 30% of my memory is currently being used:

33% Utilization

When I open resource monitor to see how much committed memory is being used by specific applications, I still see relatively low memory usage:

Resource Monitor

I've had this problem for awhile and have struggled to find a solution. I've investigated causes like a driver leak by using poolmon, but never saw anything in poolmon that matched what others have described as red flags for a driver memory leak. What makes me particularly confused is why Win10 is telling me to close applications when I only have 33% of system memory being used.


Wild guesses here.

You have disabled your swap file, following someone's random "optimizing" advice.

You have an OS driver of some kind that wants a large block of consecutive physical RAM. But it can't get it because all of the physical RAM has been fragmented over time. And because the swap file is disabled it cannot do a RAM defragment.

Enable your swap file.

As I said, wild guess.

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