Monday 1 October 2018

windows - Vbscript for autologin

I have retrieved a VBscript that may have worked in other scenarios to auto login windows ran by a task scheduler when windows is logged off by automating the logon process like a normal user would do on windows 10. IE: user arrives to a computer, presses enter for the login screen to appear, types in username, presses tab and enters password and clicks enter and the user logs in.

here is the script :

set wshShell = CreateObject("")

wshShell.sendkeys "{ENTER}"

wscript.sleep 5000

wshShell.sendkeys "Username"

wscript.sleep 5000

wshShell.sendkeys "{Tab}"

wscript.sleep 5000

wshShell.sendkeys "Password"

wscript.sleep 5000

wshShell.sendkeys "{ENTER}"


now the code works find if i run it from a logged on user in windows, it presses enter types the username presses tab type password and presses enter, but when i create a task to run, nothing happens and if i look at the history of the task it says that the process ran successfully which means there was no errors.

I have tried to convert it to EXE still same results any help or fix would be appreciated,

Thank you.

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