Thursday 25 October 2018

cinnamon - How do I disable the keyboard shortcut for menu in Linux Mint 13?

I use gnome-do a lot and usually I summon it using [Super] + [Space]. It works just fine on my desktop PC (Linux Mint 11) but on my new ThinkPad T420 (Linux Mint 13) it didn't work that well. I had to either tap super or space twice to open the gnome-do popup. I quickly realized that this was happening due to the keyboard shortcut for menu (super / windows button). I don't need the menu shortcut for anything.

I already checked in Preferences -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts but there was no such setting as "Menu" or "Start menu" or anything like that. Where can I disable the keyboard shortcut for menu?



  1. Go to System Settings

  2. "Locales" (I think it's called that way, but I am note sure since I use a german version of Cinnamon)

  3. "Layouts"

  4. Select your keyboard layout and click on "Options" on the right

  5. "Alt/Win key behaviour"

  6. Change it from Default to "Hyper is mapped to Win-keys"

After performing these steps on Arch Linux with Cinnamon 1.4UP3-1, I was able to use Gnome Do again.

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