Saturday 27 October 2018

WIndows 7 cannot boot - bootrec reports FS not found or corrupt

For 3 days now I've been unable to boot into my Windows 7 partition, and all my research has been to no avail. I'm hoping someone here has more ideas on how to fix this.

When I boot up now, I get the black screen with BCD error that says theres no valid file system or it may be corrupt (pardon my lack of detail, no copy/paste is available then).

When I boot with the Windows 7 disc and go into repair tools, no operating system is found, and attempting to automatically repair the problem fails with Unknown Operating System (Unknown Disk) or something similar. When I drop into the command prompt, I am able to see and navigate my C:\ drive without issue.

I attempt to use bootrec:

C:\> bootrec /ScanOS

Finds C:\Windows as a system partition.

C:\> bootrec /RebuildBCD

Fails with volume does not contain a recognized file system. please make sure that all required file system drivers are loaded and that the volume is not corrupted.

So then I attempt to fix the bootsector:

C:\> bootsect /nt60 C: /force

Which completes successfully (sorry, no output..)

Upon rebooting, I have the same problem.

I've also tried all of the above after making my Windows partition active:

C:\> diskpart
DISKPART> select disk 1
DISKPART> select partition 1
DISKPART> active

Then bootrec as above, both with and without a reboot after the DISKPART commands.

Then I've also tried rebuilding the BCD store by hand:

set systemdrive=C:
set tempbcd=C:\boot\bcd.temp
set tempfile=C:\boot\temp.txt

bcdedit -createstore %tempbcd%
bcdedit.exe -store %tempbcd% -create {bootmgr} -d "Windows Boot Manager"

bcdedit -store %tempbcd% -create -d "Windows Vista" -application osloader>%tempfile%
set /p winvistaguid= <%tempfile%
set winvistaguid=%winvistaguid:~10,38%

bcdedit -store %tempbcd% -set %winvistaguid% osdevice partition=%systemdrive%
bcdedit -store %tempbcd% -set %winvistaguid% device partition=%systemdrive%
bcdedit -store %tempbcd% -set %winvistaguid% path \Windows\system32\winload.exe
bcdedit -store %tempbcd% -set %winvistaguid% systemroot \Windows

bcdedit -import %tempbcd%

However on the import, I get my familiar friendly message:

volume does not contain a recognized file system. please make sure that all required file system drivers are loaded and that the volume is not corrupted

I'm at my wits end here, and I cannot understand why Windows refuses to see this as a valid install.

When I list the disk/partition in DISKPART, it shows up as NTFS and "Healthy", and I can navigate the directory structure from DOS with no problems.

I really, really do not want to reformat and reinstall. I know this problem can be solved!


Unfortunately, none of these answers worked. After 10 days of trying everything I could find and think of, I wiped the drive and reinstalled Windows.

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