Saturday 27 October 2018

microsoft excel 2010 - How to calculate age in years?

In Excel 2010, I'm using the formula =(TODAY() - 05/31/1996) / 365.25 to calculate the age in years between today's date, May 30, 2013, and May 31, 1996. I'm expecting some number close to 17.00, but I get 113.41. How do I use a single formula to calculate the difference in years between two dates? I've formatted my cell as a number with 2 decimal precision.

I'm using formula based on this similar question.


You need to coerce the date as written into a real date. There are several approaches. Using a DateValue() function has been outlined. Another way is this:


This formula works for regional settings with dates represented as DMY. If your regional settings use MDY, try


The text of the date will be coerced into a number by adding a zero, and will then be processed further.

Of course, you could save yourself a lot of trouble if you entered the date into a different cell and then just refer the formula to that cell

With A1 having the value of 31-May-1996 (in whatever format your regional settings serve up), you can then use


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