Tuesday 31 July 2018

linux - IPv6 tunnel from behind an ISP-level NAT

Previously, at a different location, I set up a Hurricane Electric IPv6 tunnel, which worked fine, allowed me to access IPv6 only sites and test the native IPv6 connections on my remote servers.

However, I'm now in a new location where the only practical internet access is via a 3G mobile phone network. This network gives me NAT'd addresses like 10.104.NNN.NNN. The dynamic IPv4 address that it reaches the internet with is shared between hundreds/thousands of users of the mobile network. As that IPv4 address doesn't route to (just) me and is unpingable, I can't use a Hurricane Electric tunnel with it.

Sixxs's AYIYA tunnel looks like it could be a work-around, but they refused my application for a tunnel without giving a reason (which is fair enough, for a free service).

So, from behind a large-scale NAT network (that I have no control over and can't open ports for), is there any other tunnel technology, and tunnel provider, that is usable? I'm running Ubuntu Linux 12.04.

I do have a remote VPS that has native Ipv6, so I'd consider tunnelling to that, if there's a technology I could install at both ends, if I'm not able to use a tunnel provider. The server is also Ubuntu 12.04.

A workaround for short tests of the IPv6 connection of sites would be the sixxs gateway, but long-term a tunnel would be better. The ISP here isn't likely to change their NAT anytime soon, nor is there any viable alternative, so something that works through that is what I'm looking for.


Have you tried the tunnels provided by gogoNET? If you register an account, you'll have a address block allocated to you per tunnel server.

You may have to compile the client yourself if you distribution don't have it as a package.

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