Thursday 29 November 2018

linux - schroot Don't Share Home Directory

I created a schroot recently (following the directions here), and it conveniently shares my (host) user home directory. That is, /home/username is the same in the chroot as outside the chroot.

Where is this behaviour configured ? How can I prevent this behaviour ?

I'm using Ubuntu desktop 12.04 64-bit, and schroot version info is

$ schroot --version
schroot (Debian sbuild) 1.4.25 (03 Feb 2012)


By default, schroot mount directories according to filesystem table file /etc/schroot/default/fstab. You could comment the line start with /home so that schroot won't bind-mount the home directory.

You could also specify other filesystem table file by editing schroot conf file. For example, if you add setup.fstab=minimal/fstab to the end of /etc/schroot/chrood.d/[your chroot's].conf, schroot would filesystem according to /etc/schroot/minimal/fstab.

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